Multi-objective lattice-order decision-making method of scheme selection for rail transit network
摘要: 针对实际中决策者决策理性的有限性缺陷, 将多目标格序决策方法引入到轨道交通线网方案比选中, 构建了轨道交通线网方案多目标格序决策评价指标体系, 依据指标类型对指标进行无量纲化处理, 综合决策者主观权与数据离散度客观权去计算评价指标的相对权重。结合决策矩阵, 通过对各方案综合差异值的计算, 实现备选方案的格序化排序, 应用该决策方法对某市4套备选轨道交通线网方案进行评价。分析结果表明: 4套方案的综合差异值分别为0.66、0.56、0.24、0.83, 相应排序结果与实际情况一致, 该决策方法合理。Abstract: Aimed for the rational limitation of decision-maker, the multi-objective lattice-order decision-making method was introduced into the scheme selection of rail transit network.The evaluation index system of multi-objective lattice-order decision-making for urban rail transit network was constructed.Each index was turned into dimensionless number according to its type.The relative weights of evaluation indexes were worked out by synthesizing the subjective ones of decision-makers and the objective ones of data discrete degrees.Combining with decision matrix, the comprehensive difference degree of each scheme was calculated in order to achieve the lattice order of alternative schemes, and the decision-making method was applied to evaluate four rail transit network plans of some city.Analysis result shows that the comprehensive difference values of four plans are 0.66, 0.56, 0.24, 0.83 respectively, and the order result is consistent with actual situation, so the method is rational.
表 1 轨道交通线网方案指标值
Table 1. Index values of rail transit network schemes
表 2 轨道交通线网方案指标权重值
Table 2. Index weight values of rail transit network schemes
表 3 轨道交通线网方案决策矩阵
Table 3. Decision-making matrix of rail transit network schemes
表 4 整体计算结果
Table 4. Whole calculation result
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