Green wave coordinated control optimization models oriented to different bidirectional bandwidth demands
摘要: 通过引入绿波带宽分配影响因子与带宽需求比例系数, 构造了一种新的绿波协调控制模型性能指标函数通式, 针对MAXBAND(MULTIBAND)模型与通用双向绿波协调控制模型, 分别建立了面向双向不同带宽需求的最大绿波协调控制优化模型, 并对是否可以获得双向绿波带宽的两种情况, 比较了控制模型改进前后的设计效果。分析结果表明: 在难以获得双向绿波协调控制效果的情况下, 优化模型将适当选用单向绿波协调控制方式, 以确保单向绿波带宽达到最大, 并优先满足带宽需求较高行驶方向的设计要求; 在可以获得一定双向绿波协调控制效果的情况下, 优化模型将实现双向绿波带宽之和最大, 并尽量根据双向带宽需求比为各个方向合理分配实际带宽。可见, 优化模型合理有效。Abstract: A new performance index function of green wave coordinated control model was built by introducing bandwidth proration impact factor and bandwidth demand ratio.The green wave coordinated control optimization models oriented to different bidirectional bandwidth demands were proposed for MAXBAND(MULTIBAND) model and general bidirectional green wave coordinated control model respectively.Two cases that bidirectional green wave bandwidths existed or not were considered, and the design effects of different control models were compared.Analysis result indicates that when the coordinated control effect of bidirectional green wave could not be achieved, the optimization model will choose one-way green wave coordination control to guarantee maximum total bandwidth and prorate the bandwidth fully to the direction with higher bandwidth demand.While the coordinated control effect of bidirectional green wave could be achieved, the optimization model will not only guarantee maximum total bandwidth, but also prorate the bandwidth according to the bandwidth demand ratios of different directions.So the models are reasonable and effective.
表 1 算例1的基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of example 1
表 2 基于改进通用双向绿波协调控制模型的案例分析
Table 2. Case analysis based on improved general model oriented to bidirectional green wave coordinated control
表 3 算例2的基本参数
Table 3. Basic parameters of example 2
表 4 不同控制模型的计算结果
Table 4. Calculation results of different control models
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