摘要: 为解决不确定性事件造成的机坪车辆调度扰动问题,提出了一种基于混合策略的机坪车辆主动式实时调度方法;设计了一种考虑机坪分区的灵活运行机制,以允许车辆自适应调整停放区域;建立了一个混合整数规划模型,旨在最小化航班保障请求总响应时间与机坪车辆总行驶距离;从时空双重维度考虑服务代价,引入车辆时空服务半径指标,设计了基于未来请求信息的灵活等待策略与动态搬迁策略;通过主动式调度策略提高航班保障服务质量,降低服务车辆运行成本,并以北京首都国际机场为实例进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:与传统调度模式相比,灵活运行机制可有效提高车辆运行效率,并缩短空闲车辆折返距离,请求总响应时间与车辆总行驶距离分别下降了37.0%和36.8%;灵活等待策略适用于航班起降密集的高峰时段,车辆总行驶距离缩短了11.6%;动态搬迁策略适用于覆盖范围较广的机坪区域,在请求总响应时间降低17.8%的同时会产生较高的搬迁成本,车辆总行驶距离将增加12.5%。由此可见,针对繁忙的大型枢纽机场,采用混合策略能够在航班保障服务质量与服务车辆运行成本间取得有效平衡。Abstract: To address the scheduling perturbation problem of apron vehicles caused by uncertain events, a pro-active real-time scheduling approach of apron vehicles based on a mixed strategy was proposed. A flexible operation mechanism considering apron partitioning was designed to allow vehicles to adaptively adjust their parking areas. A mixed-integer programming model was established to minimize the total response time of flight support requests and the total travel distance of apron vehicles. The service cost was considered from both the temporal and spatial dimensions, and the spatio-temporal service radius indicator of vehicles was introduced. A flexible waiting strategy and a dynamic relocation strategy based on the future request information were designed. The quality of flight support service was enhanced by these pro-active scheduling strategies, and the operational cost of service vehicles was reduced. An empirical study was conducted at Beijing Capital International Airport. Research results show that compared to traditional scheduling modes, the flexible operation mechanism can effectively improve the vehicle operation efficiency and reduce the turnaround distance of idle vehicles. The total request response time and total vehicle travel distance decrease by 37.0% and 36.8%, respectively. The flexible waiting strategy is suitable for peak periods with dense flight landings and takeoffs. The total vehicle travel distance reduces by 11.6%. The dynamic relocation strategy is applicable to apron areas with broad coverage. The total request response time reduces by 17.8%, while generating higher relocation costs and increasing the total vehicle travel distance by 12.5%. Therefore, for busy large hub airports, adopting a mixed strategy can effectively balance the quality of flight support service and the operational cost of service vehicles.
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