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吴圣川 任鑫焱 康国政 马利军 张晓军 钱坤才 滕万秀

吴圣川, 任鑫焱, 康国政, 马利军, 张晓军, 钱坤才, 滕万秀. 铁路车辆部件抗疲劳评估的进展与挑战[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2021, 21(1): 81-114. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.004
引用本文: 吴圣川, 任鑫焱, 康国政, 马利军, 张晓军, 钱坤才, 滕万秀. 铁路车辆部件抗疲劳评估的进展与挑战[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2021, 21(1): 81-114. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.004
WU Sheng-chuan, REN Xin-yan, KANG Guo-zheng, MA Li-jun, ZHANG Xiao-jun, QIAN Kun-cai, TENG Wan-xiu. Progress and challenge on fatigue resistance assessment of railway vehicle components[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2021, 21(1): 81-114. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.004
Citation: WU Sheng-chuan, REN Xin-yan, KANG Guo-zheng, MA Li-jun, ZHANG Xiao-jun, QIAN Kun-cai, TENG Wan-xiu. Progress and challenge on fatigue resistance assessment of railway vehicle components[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2021, 21(1): 81-114. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.004


doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.004

中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划课题 P2018J003

牵引动力国家重点实验室自主课题 2021TPL_T06

国家自然科学基金项目 U1934214



  • 中图分类号: U270

Progress and challenge on fatigue resistance assessment of railway vehicle components


Project of Scientific and Technological Research and Development of China Railway P2018J003

Independent Project of State Key Laboratory of Traction Power 2021TPL_T06

National Natural Science Foundation of China U1934214

More Information
  • 摘要: 从铁路车辆的安全运用及服役评估出发,论述了转向架部件(如构架、车轴等)的抗疲劳评估及应用进展,重点分析了合金钢EA4T车轴和碳素钢S38C车轴的设计理念差别,阐明了车轴运用评估中存在的难定量和过保守的理论局限性; 首创了“名义应力”+“损伤容限”有机融合的阶梯疲劳评估方法,给出了样本信息聚集改进原理、基于单轴拉伸的裂纹扩展模型、应力-缺陷-寿命的三参数评估图和表面残余应力重建等四大关键技术。分析结果表明:基于传统名义应力法的抗疲劳设计给出的寿命预测偏于保守,导致车辆部件维修不足或者过度维修; 基于单轴拉伸性能的新型裂纹扩展模型的精度优于NASGRO方程; Kitagawa-Takahashi图把基于名义应力的疲劳极限和基于断裂力学的缺陷特征有机关联起来,比Goodman图更直观、定量和全面; 基于表面单位压力法,获得了与实测结果一致的S38C车轴的压缩残余应力分布,表明压缩残余应力的引入提高了新干线车轴的抗微动磨损能力和抗疲劳裂纹扩展能力; 广域环境服役、超高周疲劳、增材修复再制造、断裂求解技术及动力学和强度学结合等问题成为未来研究的重要课题。


  • 图  1  车轴表面损伤

    Figure  1.  Surface damages of axles

    图  2  日本新干线构架开裂事故[7]

    Figure  2.  Cracked bogie frame accident of Japan Shinkansen train[7]

    图  3  高强钢SUJ2的疲劳寿命[30-31]

    Figure  3.  Fatigue life of high-strength SUJ2 steel[30-31]

    图  4  基于钢材料的车轴设计方法[5]

    Figure  4.  Design method of axles based on steel materials[5]

    图  5  考虑超高周疲劳的车轴设计方法[5]

    Figure  5.  Axles design method considering ultra-high cycle fatigue[5]

    图  6  考虑损伤累积的车轴设计方法[5]

    Figure  6.  Axles design method considering cumulated damage[5]

    图  7  考虑损伤等效处理的车轴设计方法[5]

    Figure  7.  Axles design method considering equivalent damage[5]

    图  8  车轴损伤容限设计原理[41]

    Figure  8.  Damage tolerance design principle of axle[41]

    图  9  日本新干线S38C车轴

    Figure  9.  Japanese Shinkansen S38C axle

    图  10  中国和欧洲EA4T车轴

    Figure  10.  Chinese and European EA4T axle

    图  11  新型内置轴箱车轴典型受力特性

    Figure  11.  Load-carrying feature of newly-developed axles with inside axle boxes

    图  12  车轴断口形貌[44, 53]

    Figure  12.  Axle fractography[44, 53]

    图  13  裂纹闭合诱导的门槛值变化

    Figure  13.  Threshold changes induced by crack clousure effect

    图  14  现役车轴FOD统计特征

    Figure  14.  FOD statistical features of in-service axles

    图  15  铸钢G20Mn5焊接构架Goodman图[120]

    Figure  15.  Goodman diagram for welded casting G20Mn5 bogie frame[120]

    图  16  转向架焊接构架的阶梯疲劳评估

    Figure  16.  Stepwise fatigue assessment of bogie welded frames

    图  17  不同应力下的寿命等效方法

    Figure  17.  Fatigue life equivalent method with different stress levels

    图  18  全尺寸部件的疲劳P-S-N曲线[123]

    Figure  18.  Fatigue P-S-N curves of full-scale components[123]

    图  19  合金钢EA4T车轴的疲劳P-S-N曲线

    Figure  19.  Fatigue P-S-N curves of alloy steel EA4T axle

    图  20  焊接构架用SMA490材料的疲劳寿命曲线

    Figure  20.  Fatigue life curves of SMA490 material of welded frames

    图  21  新干线S38C材料的疲劳寿命曲线

    Figure  21.  Fatigue life curves of Shinkansen S38C axle

    图  22  刮擦对车轴EA4T钢疲劳寿命的影响

    Figure  22.  Effect of artificial scratches on fatigue life of axle EA4T steel

    图  23  卸荷槽裂纹导致的车轴断裂[131]

    Figure  23.  Axle fracture from relief groove[131]

    图  24  标准NASGRO和最新iLAPS方程对比

    Figure  24.  Comparison between standard NASGRO and newly-developed iLAPS equations

    图  25  日本S38C车轴不同区域的裂纹扩展速率

    Figure  25.  Fatigue crack growth rates of different material layers of Japan S38C axle

    图  26  车轴钢34CrMo4的微动疲劳K-T图[142]

    Figure  26.  Fretting fatigue induced K-T diagram of railway axles used 34CrMo4 steel[142]

    图  27  关联应力和缺陷的标准和修正K-T图

    Figure  27.  Original and modified K-T diagrams correlated to stress and defect

    图  28  异物致损车轴的修正K-T图

    Figure  28.  Modified K-T diagrams of FODed alxes

    图  29  新干线S38C车轴梯度硬度和残余应力

    Figure  29.  Gradient-distributed hardness and residual stress of Shinkansen S38C axles

    图  30  相同截面上缺陷前缘的残余应力

    Figure  30.  Residual stress ahead of a growing crack at same axle section

    图  31  深滚压前后EA4T损伤车轴运行里程变化

    Figure  31.  Operation mileage changes before and after deep rolling for damaged EA4T axles

    图  32  表面强化对FOD车轴寿命的影响

    Figure  32.  Effect of surface strengthening on lifetime of FOD axles

    图  33  现役EA4T和S38C车轴的缺陷分布

    Figure  33.  Defect distributions of EA4T and S38C axles

    图  34  不同应力比下车轴缺陷处应力状态

    Figure  34.  Stress states of axle defect under different stress ratios

    图  35  异物致损EA4T车轴试样的疲劳寿命曲线

    Figure  35.  Fatigue life curves of foreign objected damaged EA4T axle

    图  36  异物致损EA4T车轴的三参数评估图

    Figure  36.  Three-parameters assessment diagram of foregin object impacted EA4T axles

    图  37  铸板焊接构架有限元网格模型

    Figure  37.  Finite element model of welded frame with casting steel plates

    图  38  制动吊座与横梁焊缝处应力

    Figure  38.  Stresses at welded joint of brake hanger and crossbeam

    图  39  制动吊座与横梁焊缝缺陷尺寸与寿命关系

    Figure  39.  Relationship between service life and defect size around brake hanger and crossbeam welded joint

    图  40  增材钛合金的三参数评定图

    Figure  40.  Three-parameters assessment diagram of additive titanium alloy

    图  41  车轴钢EA1N的表面腐蚀形貌[83, 89]

    Figure  41.  Corroded surface morphology of axle steel EA1N[83, 89]

    图  42  集成型原位疲劳试验机

    Figure  42.  Integrated in situ fatigue testing machine

    图  43  合金钢EA4T激光熔覆[184]

    Figure  43.  Laserc ladded alloy steel EA4T[184]

    图  44  不同裂纹扩展模型寿命预测[25, 195]

    Figure  44.  Lifetime prediction from different crack growth models[25, 195]

    图  45  基于系统动力学的应力强度因子范围

    Figure  45.  Stress intensity factor ranges based on system dynamics

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