摘要: 对比了邮轮游产品在国外的分销模式和在国内的旅行社包船模式之间的差异,分析了旅行社包船模式成为制约中国邮轮游市场进一步发展瓶颈的原因;基于斯塔尔伯格博弈和古诺博弈理论,构建了考虑消费者选择行为的直销和代销价格博弈模型;设计了以1个邮轮公司和多个旅行社为对象的数值分析试验,分析了在邮轮公司垄断市场、旅行社竞争市场和邮轮公司与旅行社竞争市场中,邮轮公司直销与旅行社代销的价格博弈行为与市场需求特征之间关系。研究结果表明:旅行社包船模式在中国邮轮市场发展初期符合国际邮轮公司快速渗透市场的需求,国际邮轮公司对代销渠道价格的间接影响力微弱,需通过旅行社使其邮轮游产品获得合理的价格;在市场较为成熟时期,邮轮游产品的代理数量为4~6个时,可以保证直销渠道和代销渠道价格处于合理区间;随着中国邮轮游市场的逐渐成熟,国际邮轮公司应加大发展直销渠道的力度,通过调控代理旅行社订购舱位时单位舱位的成本价与控制代理旅行社的数量,间接控制代销渠道的销售价格;邮轮疫情的负面报道将可能创造广告效果,在疫情后为提高邮轮产品知名度产生积极效用。Abstract: The differences between the distribution mode of cruise products abroad and the charter mode of travel agencies in China were compared and analyzed. The reason that the charter modes of travel agencies has become a bottleneck restricting the further development of Chinese cruise tourism market was analyzed. According to the Steinberg game and Cournot game theory, a direct sales and consignment sales price game model considering consumers' choice behavior was constructed. A numerical analysis test taking one cruise line and multiple travel agencies as the objects was designed. The relationship between the price game behavior of cruise line direct sales and travel agency consignment sales and the market demand features was analyzed in the market monopolized by the cruise line, the competitive market of travel agencies, and the competitive market of the cruise line and travel agencies. Research results show that in the early development stage of Chinese cruise market, the charter mode of travel agencies is in agreement with the needs of the international cruise line for rapid market penetration, and the indirect influence of the international cruise line on the price of agency channels is weak. Therefore, travel agencies are needed to obtain a reasonable price for their cruise products. In the mature period of the market, when the number of travel agencies for cruise products is 4-6, the prices of direct sales channels and agency consignment sales channels can be guaranteed to be in a reasonable range. However, as Chinese cruise market gradually becomes mature, the efforts of the international cruise line should be strengthened to develop direct sales channels. Regulating the cost price of unit shipping space and controlling the number of travel agencies when ordering shipping space is capable of indirectly controlling the sales price of agency consignment sales channels. An effective advertisement may be achieved by negative news on the cruise epidemic, and a positive role may be played by these reports in enhancing the popularity of cruise products in the post-epidemic era.
Key words:
- transportation economy /
- cruise market /
- game theory /
- charter mode of travel agency /
- pricing /
- direct sales channel
表 1 旅行社销售的邮轮产品在中国和欧美市场的差异
Table 1. Differences between cruise products sold by travel agencies in China and overseas markets
市场 邮轮产品的持有人 旅行社收益 邮轮公司收益 欧美市场 邮轮公司 佣金和销售奖励 产品销售收益和旅客邮轮上花费 中国市场 旅行社 产品销售收益和购物回扣 旅行社包船花费和旅客邮轮上花费 -
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