摘要: 综述了桥梁结构火灾安全理论与保障技术等方面的研究现状,介绍了国内外桥梁火灾事故出现的频次和发生垮塌的概率,给出了危化品运载车辆等交通工具的安全运营形势和危化品车辆(油轮)致桥梁火灾的危险性,指出了桥梁火灾安全控制新技术的发展方向。分析结果表明:桥梁火灾具有多发性、多样性特点;桥梁火灾安全控制受到许多学者与部门的重视,已开展了部分桥梁结构的火灾试验与抗火防护工作,但桥梁抗火设计规范当前仍处于空白状态;混凝土爆裂行为存在完全随机性,混凝土的高温爆裂是混凝土结构桥梁抗火分析的难点;火灾下预应力混凝土桥梁受剪研究难度大,目前以受弯为主;复杂截面形式钢梁的传热与结构热响应研究较少,远达不到钢结构桥梁智能建造与长寿命安全运维的需求,相关的设计细节、智能防护措施与系统亟待研发;索支承体系桥梁由于结构形式复杂,火灾下构件热膨胀,致其之间相互牵制、相互影响,结构的整体行为中又表现出显著的局部增强效应,其精细化数值预测困难多,而当前研究仅聚焦于构件与连接件或者结构的温度场,结构的整体响应研究欠缺,火灾下索支承体系桥梁的耐火性能与破坏准则是研究的热点与难点;桥梁结构处于开放空间,干扰其火灾监测与预警的因素多,难度大,但重大桥梁火灾安全监测、智能预警、智能防护以及性能增强十分必要,应持续研究;复杂极端环境火灾下桥梁结构的智能防护方法,桥梁结构遭遇复杂突发火情时的智能监测、预警与防护技术亟待形成体系研究;桥梁耐火韧性问题是桥梁火灾科学与安全保障研究的难点,涉及灾时抗火和灾后康复,需深入研究,从而为桥梁全寿命建造与安全运维提供理论依据。Abstract: The current research status of bridge fire safety theory and guarantee technology was summarized, and the frequency and probability of bridge fire accidents at home and abroad were introduced. Then, the safety operation situation of transportation vehicles such as hazardous chemical vehicles and the risk of bridge fires caused by hazardous chemical vehicles (oil tankers) were presented, and the development direction of new safety control technologies for bridge fires was pointed out. Analysis results indicate that bridge fires have the characteristics of multiple occurrences and diversity. Much attention from scholars and departments was paid to the safety control of bridge fires, and fire tests and fire protection work have been carried out on some bridge structures, but the fire resistance design specifications for bridges are still a research gap. The concrete spalling behavior has complete randomness, and the high-temperature concrete spalling is difficult in the fire resistance analysis of concrete structure bridges. The research on the shear behavior of prestressed concrete bridges in fire exposure conditions is difficult, and currently relevant studies focus on bending. There is relatively little research on the heat transfer and structure thermal response of steel girders with complex cross-sectional forms, which falls far short as per the requirements for the intelligent construction and long-term safe operation and maintenance in steel structure bridges. Relevant design details, intelligent protective measures, and systems should be urgently developed. Due to the complex structure form of cable-supported system bridges, the thermal expansion of components in fire exposure conditions is influenced by each component. Therefore, the overall behavior of the structure exhibits significant local enhancement effects, making it difficult to predict using the refined numerical models. However, current research only concentrates on the temperature field between components and connectors or the structure, and there is a lack of research on the overall response of the structure. The fire resistance performance and failure criteria of cable-supported system bridges in fire exposure conditions are research hotspots and difficult points. The bridge structure is in an open space, and the fire monitoring and early warning in the bridge structure have many interference factors and are relatively difficult. However, it is necessary to continuously study the major fire safety monitoring and early intelligent warning, intelligent protection, and performance enhancement of bridges. The intelligent protection methods for bridge structures under complex and extreme environmental fire exposure, and intelligent monitoring, early warning, and protection technologies for bridge structures under complex and sudden fire situations should urgently be systematically studied. The toughness of bridge fire resistance is a difficult point in the research on bridge fire science and safety guarantee. It involves the fire resistance during disasters and the post-disaster rehabilitation and requires in-depth research to provide a theoretical basis for the full-life construction and safe operation and maintenance of bridges.
表 1 桥梁结构火灾全过程破坏特征与耐火时间
Table 1. Failure characteristics and fire resistance times of bridge structures
桥梁类型 结构分类 火灾致易损场景 全过程破坏特征(升温与降温阶段) 耐火时间/min 破坏准则 混凝土梁桥 钢筋混凝土梁 桥下跨中区域火灾、支座区域火灾 钢筋混凝土梁发生较大挠度(变形),混凝土高温爆裂和层剥严重,受火面外层钢筋熔断鼓胀,破坏前混凝土梁有明显的跨中挠度、混凝土压碎与裂缝扩展特征,降温后钢筋混凝土梁挠度基本保持不变 45~200 挠度破坏准则为L/20 预应力混凝土箱形梁 桥下跨中区域火灾、支座区域火灾、桥面负弯矩区域火灾 预应力混凝土箱形梁发生较小挠度(变形),混凝土高温爆裂和压碎严重,受火面外层钢筋熔断鼓胀,预应力管道外露,预应力钢束突然断裂,高温过程中腹板沿预应力管道会发生较大贯通裂缝,高温与冷却过程中预应力混凝土梁均可能发生突然倾覆和垮塌,降温后预应力混凝土箱形梁挠度基本保持不变,火灾下预应力混凝土梁发生高温爆裂的严重程度远超钢筋混凝土梁 50~160 挠度破坏准则为L/35;宜用挠变率破坏准则,因挠变率无法直接测量,所以此破坏准则只能用于预测 预应力混凝土T形梁 桥下跨中区域火灾、支座区域火灾、桥面负弯矩区域火灾 预应力混凝土T形梁发生较小挠度(变形),混凝土高温爆裂和层剥严重,受火面外层钢筋熔断鼓胀以及预应力管道外露,预应力钢束突然断裂,高温过程中腹板易发生横向失稳,结构会发生突然垮塌,降温后预应力混凝土T形梁挠度基本保持不变,火灾下预应力混凝土T形梁比箱形梁更易破坏 40~100 挠度破坏准则为L/35;宜用挠变率破坏准则,因挠变率无法直接测量,所以此破坏准则只能用于预测 预应力混凝土空心板梁 桥下跨中区域火灾、支座区域火灾 预应力混凝土空心板梁发生较小挠度(变形),混凝土高温爆裂和层剥严重,受火面外层钢筋熔断鼓胀,预应力管道外露,预应力钢束突然断裂,高温过程中底板易出现纵向贯通裂缝,降温后预应力混凝土空心板梁挠度基本保持不变 40~100 挠度破坏准则为L/35;宜用挠变率破坏准则, 此破坏准则只能用于预测 钢结构梁桥 钢板-混凝土组合梁 桥下跨中区域火灾、支座区域火灾、桥面负弯矩区域火灾 钢板-混凝土组合梁为开口截面梁,钢板-混凝土组梁发生显著挠度(变形),连续梁负弯矩区钢腹板易发生严重屈曲,顶板混凝土大面积开裂,跨中正弯矩区钢腹板不发生屈曲,顶板混凝土严重压碎,破坏前有明显变形特征,降温后钢板-混凝土组合梁挠度会变小 20~35 挠度破坏准则为L/25;连续梁亦可采用腹板屈曲破坏准则 钢-混凝土组合箱梁 桥下跨中区域火灾,支座区域火灾、桥面负弯矩区域火灾 钢-混凝土组合箱梁为闭口截面梁,钢-混凝土组合箱梁发生显著挠度(变形),连续梁负弯矩区钢底板和钢腹板易发生严重屈曲,顶板混凝土大面积开裂,跨中正弯矩区钢腹板不发生屈曲,顶板混凝土严重压碎,破坏前有明显变形特征,降温后钢-混凝土组合箱梁挠度会变小,火灾下钢板- 混凝土组梁(开口截面)比钢-混凝土组合箱梁(闭口截面)易于破坏 25~35 挠度破坏准则为L/25;连续梁亦可采用腹板屈曲破坏准则 钢桁-混凝土组合梁 对于下承式钢桁-混凝土组合梁,可发生桥面火灾或桥下火灾;对于上承式钢桁-混凝土组合梁,可发生桥下火灾;对于双层钢桁-混凝土组合梁(公轨合建桥梁),可发生上层或下层火灾 钢桁-混凝土组合梁发生显著桁杆屈曲变形,桁杆节点撕裂,桥面板混凝土严重爆裂,混凝土桥面板与钢桁架剥离,桥面板混凝土发生局部压碎,产生贯通裂缝,最终破坏形式主要表现为以局部桁杆屈曲、节点撕裂和混凝土桥面板严重爆裂致整体结构失稳,降温后钢桁-混凝土组合梁结构挠度会变小,桁杆变形会减弱 15~25 桁杆挠度破坏准则为L0/5;结构破坏准则为L/35 钢箱梁 桥下跨中区域火灾、支座区域火灾、桥面负弯矩区域火灾 钢箱梁发生显著挠度(变形),连续梁负弯矩区钢腹板和钢底板易发生严重屈曲,薄顶板混凝土大面积开裂,跨中正弯矩区钢腹板和钢底板不发生屈曲,薄顶板混凝土严重压碎,与钢箱梁剥离,破坏前有明显变形特征,降温后钢箱梁挠度会变小 20~30 挠度破坏准则为L/25;连续梁亦采用腹板屈曲破坏准则 钢桁架梁 对于下承式钢桁梁,可发生桥面火灾或桥下火灾;对于上承式钢桁梁,可发生桥下火灾;对于双层钢桁架梁(公轨合建桥梁),可发生上层或下层火灾 钢桁架梁发生显著平联屈曲,桁杆节点撕裂,腹板和上下弦杆发生扭转失稳,具有显著的桁杆-结构动态破坏过程,最终破坏形式主要表现为以局部桁杆屈曲、节点撕裂致整体结构失稳,降温后钢桁梁结构挠度会变小,桁杆变形会降低,火灾下钢桁架梁比钢桁-混凝土组合梁更易破坏 10~20 桁杆挠度破坏准则为L0/5;结构破坏准则为L/35 组合体系桥 悬索桥 桥面跨中缆索附近火灾、桥塔处火灾 悬索桥加劲梁发生显著挠度(变形),吊索锚固段滑移或吊索断裂,跨中区域吊索与主缆连接处的吊耳会发生严重变形,主缆高温会损伤,最终破坏形式主要表现为因吊索失效发生的局部梁体大幅度下挠或扭转;混凝土桥塔会发生严重损伤,钢桥塔会发生严重屈曲,最终破坏形式主要表现为桥塔失稳 20~55 形态破坏准则为断索、加劲梁突然下挠、主要承重构件严重屈曲或结构突然倾覆 斜拉桥 桥面拉索附近火灾、桥塔处火灾 斜拉桥加劲梁发生显著变形,斜拉索锚固段滑移或斜拉索断裂,最终破坏形式主要表现为因斜拉索失效发生的局部梁体大幅度下挠或扭转;混凝土桥塔会发生严重损伤,钢桥塔会发生严重屈曲,最终破坏形式主要表现为桥塔失稳 20~60 拱桥 桥面吊杆附近火灾、拱脚处火灾 拱桥加劲梁发生显著挠度变形,吊索锚固段滑移或吊索断裂,拱肋压溃,最终破坏形式主要表现为因吊索失效发生的梁体大幅度下挠或扭转,或者拱肋高温压溃导致的结构垮塌 25~70 -
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