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余建 周旺保 蒋丽忠 冯玉林 刘祥

余建, 周旺保, 蒋丽忠, 冯玉林, 刘祥. 高速铁路桥上设计震致轨道几何不平顺等效方法[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2024, 24(3): 110-123. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.007
引用本文: 余建, 周旺保, 蒋丽忠, 冯玉林, 刘祥. 高速铁路桥上设计震致轨道几何不平顺等效方法[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2024, 24(3): 110-123. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.007
YU Jian, ZHOU Wang-bao, JIANG Li-zhong, FENG Yu-lin, LIU Xiang. Equivalent method for designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularities on high-speed railway bridges[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2024, 24(3): 110-123. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.007
Citation: YU Jian, ZHOU Wang-bao, JIANG Li-zhong, FENG Yu-lin, LIU Xiang. Equivalent method for designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularities on high-speed railway bridges[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2024, 24(3): 110-123. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.007


doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.007

国家自然科学基金项目 52078487

中南大学创新驱动计划项目 502501006






  • 中图分类号: U24

Equivalent method for designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularities on high-speed railway bridges


National Natural Science Foundation of China 52078487

Innovation Driven Plan Project of Central South University 502501006

More Information
  • 摘要: 为解决考虑结构随机的设计震致轨道几何不平顺等效问题,建立了高速铁路轨道-桥梁系统的数值仿真模型,基于短时傅里叶变换和假设检验原理构造了设计震致轨道几何不平顺,建立了设计震致轨道几何不平顺的等效拟合模型和等效幅值反应谱,提出了考虑结构随机的等效幅值反应谱修正方法,结合震后实测轨道几何不平顺对设计震致轨道几何不平顺等效方法的合理性展开了评价。分析结果表明:在不同墩高条件下,采用正弦函数和一次函数的组合作为等效拟合模型可将设计震致轨道几何不平顺的拟合误差控制在10%以内;在设防地震和罕遇地震作用下,当修正系数分别取为3.0和1.5时,等效拟合模型与修正系数相乘得到的修正拟合模型可以满足随机结构的适用性需求;地震前后实测轨道几何不平顺形状和幅值均无明显差异,对应的横向车体加速度幅值误差小于5%,当地震强度较小时列车可正常运行,无需大幅度减速;与震后实测轨道几何不平顺相比,设计震致轨道几何不平顺使横向车体加速度幅值提升了近50%,基于设计震致轨道几何不平顺计算得到的震后行车速度阈值具有合理安全余量;建立的高速铁路桥上设计震致轨道几何不平顺等效方法可为高速铁路震后行车速度阈值确定与基于震后行车性能的抗震设计提供快速准确的手算方法。


  • 图  1  高速铁路轨道-桥梁系统数值仿真模型

    Figure  1.  Numerical simulation model of high-speed railway track-bridge system

    图  2  高速列车子模型

    Figure  2.  High-speed train sub-model

    图  3  选取地震动的加速度反应谱

    Figure  3.  Acceleration response spectra of selected ground motions

    图  4  震致轨道几何不平顺集和设计震致轨道几何不平顺

    Figure  4.  Earthquake-induced track geometric irregularity set and designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularity

    图  5  设计震致轨道几何不平顺激励下的横向车体加速度曲线

    Figure  5.  Lateral vehicle body acceleration curve under excitation of designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularity

    图  6  震致轨道几何不平顺集激励下的横向车体加速度峰值

    Figure  6.  Peak lateral vehicle body accelerations under excitation of earthquake-induced track geometric irregularity set

    图  7  不同跨数条件下的设计震致轨道几何不平顺

    Figure  7.  Designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularities under different span conditions

    图  8  不同跨数条件下的横向车体加速度曲线

    Figure  8.  Lateral vehicle body acceleration curves under different span conditions

    图  9  设计震致轨道几何不平顺与其等效拟合模型

    Figure  9.  Designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularity and its equivalent fitting model

    图  10  设计震致轨道几何不平顺与其等效拟合模型激励下横向车体加速度曲线

    Figure  10.  Lateral vehicle body acceleration curves under excitations of designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularities and their equivalent fitting models

    图  11  设计震致轨道几何不平顺的等效幅值反应谱

    Figure  11.  Equivalent amplitude response spectra of designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularity

    图  12  设计震致轨道几何不平顺的等效横向车体加速度谱

    Figure  12.  Equivalent lateral vehicle body acceleration spectra of designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularity

    图  13  具有明显局部折角的设计震致轨道几何不平顺

    Figure  13.  Designed earthquake-induced track geometric irregularities with significant local bending angles

    图  14  不同地震强度下横向车体加速度峰值的比值集合

    Figure  14.  Ratio sets of peak lateral vehicle body acceleration under different earthquake intensities

    图  15  不同样本量下比值元素的样本均值和样本标准差

    Figure  15.  Sample means and sample standard deviations of ratio element under different sample sizes

    图  16  不同修正系数下的比值上界

    Figure  16.  Ratio upper bounds under different correction coefficients

    图  17  地震前后实测轨道不平顺

    Figure  17.  Measured track irregularities before and after earthquake

    图  18  地震前后实测轨道不平顺激励下的横向车体加速度曲线

    Figure  18.  Lateral vehicle body acceleration curves under excitations of measured track irregularities before and after earthquake

    图  19  初始轨道几何不平顺和设计震致轨道几何不平顺激励下的横向车体加速度

    Figure  19.  Lateral accelerations of vehicle body under excitations of initial track geometric irregularity and designed post-earthquake track geometric irregularity

    表  1  非线性弹簧单元的水平向力-位移关系

    Table  1.   Horizontal force-displacement relationship of nonlinear spring elements

    构件 屈服力/kN 屈服位移/mm
    横向 纵向 横向 纵向
    剪力齿槽 1 465 1 465 0.12 0.12
    固定支座 1 000 1 000 2.00 2.00
    滑动支座 100 100 2.00 2.00
    侧向挡块 453 0 2.00 0.00
    水泥沥青砂浆层 42 42 0.50 0.50
    钢轨扣件 24 9 2.00 2.00
    剪切钢筋 23 23 0.08 0.08
    滑动层 6 6 0.50 0.50
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    表  2  YdYf下横向车体加速度峰值与误差

    Table  2.   Peak lateral vehicle body accelerations and errors under Yd and Yf

    墩高/m 设防地震 罕遇地震
    Yd下加速度峰值/(m·s-2) Yf下加速度峰值/(m·s-2) 误差/% Yd下加速度峰值/(m·s-2) Yf下加速度峰值/(m·s-2) 误差/%
    5 0.022 0.023 4 0.143 0.133 -8
    6 0.023 0.024 4 0.141 0.140 -1
    7 0.024 0.025 4 0.140 0.133 -5
    8 0.024 0.026 8 0.139 0.132 -5
    9 0.024 0.025 4 0.140 0.150 7
    10 0.027 0.028 4 0.145 0.152 5
    11 0.027 0.028 4 0.153 0.148 -3
    12 0.030 0.031 3 0.156 0.144 -8
    13 0.030 0.031 3 0.171 0.159 -8
    14 0.031 0.032 3 0.174 0.165 -5
    15 0.037 0.037 0 0.178 0.175 -2
    16 0.041 0.042 2 0.190 0.197 4
    17 0.046 0.047 2 0.232 0.252 8
    18 0.053 0.055 4 0.220 0.221 0
    19 0.061 0.060 -2 0.212 0.228 7
    20 0.069 0.073 5 0.212 0.228 7
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