摘要: 为系统地了解路面发电技术的研究进展,促进节能减排的绿色智慧道路快速发展,使用CiteSpace软件对2012至2022年路面发电技术研究相关文献进行了计量学分析,对比了光伏发电、温差发电和压电发电3种主要技术的研究进展及其优缺点和适用性;介绍了收集太阳能、热能和机械能转化成电能的基本理论,总结了光伏发电和温差发电技术的路面设计方法,探讨了压电发电技术的发电材料选择、压电换能器装置设计和一体化发电路面系统结构设计,并展望了路面发电技术未来的研究趋势;基于现有路面发电技术研究基础,从材料、结构、施工和运营管养的角度出发,对绿色智慧道路和交通与能源融合发展的需求提出了建议。研究结果表明:针对光伏发电的研究大多基于宏观层面分析光伏路面的可行性,其可为交通基础设施提供电力供应,且能缓解热岛效应,但光伏路面力学性能和电力转化效率研究还存在较大优化空间;温差发电主要依赖路面结构的温度差,可以全天候发电,且能量收集稳定,但目前存在效率较低的劣势,同时需重点考虑温差热电导热装置与沥青路面的力学性能不匹配的问题;压电发电收集能量密度大,可持续性好,具有较好前景,但一些关键问题尚未得到较好的解决,如压电材料的耐久性、压电换能器元件与路面的相容性及刚度匹配性、压电发电系统一体化路面结构稳定性和耐久性等方面仍需进行大量研究。Abstract: To systematically understand the development of pavement power generation technologies and promote the rapid development of green and smart roads enabling energy saving and emission reduction, the CiteSpace software was used to conduct a quantitative analysis of relevant literature on the pavement power generation technologies from 2012 to 2022. The research progresses, advantages, disadvantages, and applicabilities of three main technologies, namely the photovoltaic power generation, thermoelectric power generation, and piezoelectric power generation, were compared. The fundamental theories of converting solar energy, thermal energy, and mechanical energy into electrical energy were introduced. The pavement design methods of photovoltaic and thermoelectric power generation technologies were summarized. The selection of power generation materials for piezoelectric power generation technology, the design of piezoelectric transducer device, and the structural design of integrated power generation pavement system were discussed. The future research trends of pavement power generation technologies were prospected. Based on the existing research foundations of pavement power generation technologies, some suggestions were put forward for the development of green and smart roads and the demand for the integrated development of transportation and energy from the perspectives of material, structure, construction, operation and maintenance. Research results show that most studies on the photovoltaic power generation focus on the macro-level analysis of the feasibility of solar pavements, providing power supply for transportation infrastructures and alleviate the heat island effect. However, there still is much room for optimization in the research on mechanical properties and power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic pavement. Thermoelectric power generation mainly relies on the temperature difference of pavement structure. It can realize all-weather power generation with stable energy harvesting. However, it currently has a disadvantage of low efficiency. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the problem of mismatch between mechanical properties of thermoelectric heat conduction devices and asphalt pavement. Piezoelectric power generation has a high energy harvesting density, good sustainability, and promising prospects. However, some key issues have not been well solved, such as the durability of piezoelectric material, compatibility and stiffness matching between piezoelectric transducer elements and pavement, and structural stability and durability of the integrated pavement of piezoelectric power generation system, which still require further research.
表 1 太阳能路面结构模型
Table 1. Solar pavement structure model
序号 结构形式 代表性模型 1 钢化玻璃+太阳能电池+钢化玻璃/玻璃纤维板 美国太阳能道路(Solar Roadway, SR)模型[29]、滑铁卢大学模型[34]、香港理工大学模型[17] 2 钢化玻璃/树脂与玻璃颗粒涂层+太阳能电池+ 混凝土底板 荷兰SR自行车道模型 3 树脂与玻璃颗粒涂层+太阳能电池+树脂和聚合物底板 法国Watt way模型、济南光伏高速公路模型[11]等 4 PMMA板+太阳能电池+预制混凝土空心板 长沙理工大学查旭东模型[35] 5 橡胶/塑料+太阳能电池+高分子/废旧材料(树脂、塑料、橡胶、玻璃等) 匈牙利Platio模型、伊朗Dezfooli模型[36]、透明树脂混凝土模型[37] 表 2 压电材料特性参数
Table 2. Parameters of piezoelectric materials
材料类型 材料名称 面外压电常数/(C·N-1) 面内压电常数/(C·N-1) 相对介电常数 横向机电耦合系数 压电陶瓷 PZT-4D 450 -145 1 280 0.270 PZT-5J 550 -210 2 800 0.350 PZT-5H 640 -283 3 400 0.390 PZT-5A 450 -175 1 800 0.340 压电聚合物 PVDF 39~44 -12~24 13 0.117 表 3 路面发电技术对比
Table 3. Comparison of pavement power generation technologies
发电方式 光伏发电 温差发电 压电发电 安装位置 路面表面层 路面表面层、中面层 路面中、下面层 技术关键点 表层透光性与抗滑性的平衡、光伏板与路面结构层黏结性 热点材料耐久性、整体路面结构承载力和稳定性 压电路面复合材料一体化、压电装置多样性 优点 适用性强、产能大、施工难度相对小 降低路面温度,减少高温病害 能量转化率高、连续性好 缺点 易折断、易产生水损坏、连续性较差 施工难度大、沥青材料老化 路面结构层间黏结差、储能装置要求高 适用范围 适用于中国大部分地区,尤其西部、西北高海拔、少植被地区 适用于中国中部及北部地区,不适用于常年高温的南方地区 交通量较大地区 当前技术难点 保证表面层及路面结构的稳定性及耐久性、表面层抗滑性 提高热电材料和系统的能量转化率 保证压电系统的高效率和耐久性,压电路面结构施工技术和质量 经济性 前期投入高,后期维护费用高 前期投入高,后期维护费用相对低 前期投入高,后期维护费用低 -
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