Seismic performance of large-diameter and variable cross-section pile group foundation in earthquake-induced subsidence sites
摘要: 采用振动台模型试验,选取不同地震动强度的人工合成5010波,研究了不同地震动强度对群桩基础抗震性能的影响,对比了不同地震动强度下单桩与群桩基础桩顶水平位移、桩身弯矩、桩基损伤等动力响应差异。研究结果表明:在不同地震动强度下,由于群桩基础比单桩基础结构更加稳定,受地震波扰动小,群桩基础桩顶水平位移峰值均显著小于单桩,差值随地震动强度的增大而增大,最大为1.15 mm,并且群桩基础桩顶水平位移峰值出现时刻晚于单桩;群桩基础弯矩沿桩身变化与单桩相同,均是先增大后减小,由于土层震陷导致淤泥质土层与非淤泥质土层力学特性差异更明显,在淤泥质土层分界面处达到峰值;不同地震动强度下群桩基础桩身弯矩峰值均小于单桩基础,差值最大为13.02 kN·m,且桩身弯矩峰值出现时刻均晚于单桩基础,可见,不同地震动强度下群桩基础与单桩基础动力响应差异明显;群桩和单桩基础产生损伤时所能承受的地震动强度分别为0.35g和0.30g,群桩与单桩基础基频降幅分别为27.23%和33.46%,说明震陷场地对群桩基础基频影响较小,群桩基础能承受更大强度的地震动而不至于损伤。综上所述,震陷场地下群桩基础抗震性能较单桩更好,在工程实际中可以考虑通过群桩效应,合理设计桩型来提高桩基础抗震性能。Abstract: The model test on shaking table was used to select synthetic 5010 waves with different ground motion intensities. The effect of different ground motion intensities on the seismic performance of pile group foundation was studied. The differences in dynamic responses of horizontal displacement of pile top, bending moment of pile body, and pile foundation damage between single pile and pile group foundations under different ground motion intensities were compared. Research results indicate that under different ground motion intensities, pile group foundation is more stable than single pile foundation and less disturbed by seismic waves. The peak horizontal displacement of pile top of pile group foundation is significantly smaller than that of single pile, and the difference increases with the increase in ground motion intensity, with a maximum of 1.15 mm. Moreover, the peak horizontal displacement of pile top of pile group foundation occurs later than that of single pile. The bending moment change of pile group foundation along the pile body is the same as that of single pile, which increases first and then decreases. The difference in mechanical properties between silty soil layer and non-silty soil layer is more obvious due to earthquake-induced subsidence, so the peak value reaches at the interface of silty soil layer. The peak bending moments of pile body of pile group foundation under different ground motion intensities are smaller than those of single pile foundation, and the maximum difference is 13.02 kN·m. The peak bending moment of pile body of pile group foundation occurs later than that of single pile foundation. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the dynamic response between pile group foundation and single pile foundation under different ground motion intensities. The ground motion intensity that pile group foundation can withstand when damage occurs 0.35g, while that for single pile is 0.30g. The fundamental frequency drop of pile group foundation is 27.23%, while that of single pile is 33.46%. It indicates that earthquake-induced subsidence site has less influence on the fundamental frequency of pile group foundation, and pile group foundation can withstand greater ground motion intensity without damage. In summary, the seismic performance of pile group foundation is better than that of single pile in earthquake-induced subsidence sites. In engineering practice, the seismic performance of pile foundation can be improved by considering pile group effect and reasonable design of pile type.
表 1 振动台技术参数
Table 1. Technical parameters of shaking table
性能 参数 台面尺寸/mm 5 000×5 000 振动模式 正弦,随机(地震动) 频率范围/Hz 0.5~50.0 最大加速度幅值 满载:水平向为1.0g,竖向为0.7g 最大位移幅值 水平向为±80 mm,竖向为±50 mm 表 2 模型土的物理力学指标
Table 2. Pysical and mechanical indexes of model soil
土的种类 天然含水量/% 密度/(g·cm-3) 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 孔压比 淤泥质土 45.6 1.77 8.0 10 2.15 强风化花岗岩 11.2 2.56 22.5 43 表 3 土体相似关系
Table 3. Similarity relation of soil
物理量 相似常数 弹性模量/(N·m-2) 1/3.5 应力/(N·m-2) 1/3.5 应变 1 泊松比 1 密度/(kg·m-3) 1 表 4 模型桩参数
Table 4. Model pile parameters
模型桩 承台 桩长/cm 桩径/cm 配筋率/% 长/cm 宽/cm 高/cm 上部 下部 单桩 11.0 11.0 10.2 90 5.0 4.3 2.4 群桩 23.1 23.1 10.2 -
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