The Size and Location of Region Public Logistics Center
摘要: 阐述了中国发展区域公共物流中心(Region Public Logistics Center, RPLC)的必要性和必然性, 即区域经济的发展必将增加不同区域间的物流量, 同时它也会大大促进城市化进程, 从而产生区域内部的交通和环境等问题, 进而限制区域经济的发展和降低人民的生活质量。RPLC的建设有益于形成高效的物流系统体系和有利于信息流的管理利用。给出了优化RPLC规模和选址的数学模型, 并采用非线性规划和排队理论对模型进行推导。Abstract: This paper discusses the necessity and inevitability of developing the Region Public Logistics Center(RPLC) in China.This means the construction of RPLC will be beneficial to forming the logistics system with high efficiency and helping to manage and utilize the flow of information.Meanwhile, the mathematical model for optimizing the size and location of RPLC is put forward, and nonlinear programming techniques and queuing theories are used here.Finally, the genetic simulated annealing algorithm is utilized to solve the problem and an actual example is given respectively.
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