摘要: 针对西南地区软弱地基, 运用GEO-SLOPE软件, 对在斜坡软弱地基上填筑路堤时路堤与地基的应力与变形进行了仿真计算, 比较了水平软弱地基与倾斜软弱地基路堤填筑的差异, 并分析了在不同地层坡度、软弱土层厚度及路堤填筑高度下路堤地基的应力与变形响应, 尤其是下坡脚处等重要部位的关键响应。并结合渝怀线一代表性断面, 对有无工程措施、各种工程措施的效果等进行了模拟。研究结果为工程设计与施工提供了进一步的科学指导。Abstract: Numerical analysis was conducted to simulate the deformation behavior of subgrade embankment on sloped weak ground using commercial software GEO SLOPE.Critical structural responses such as strain and stress at the toe of embankment slope were abstracted to evaluate the effectiveness of engineering measurement used to improve stability potential of the filled embankment.Cross sectional factors influencing the deformation behavior of embankment were also explored. Research results show that numerical simulation can provide reliable and rigorous guide in the design and construction phases in infrastructure development.
Key words:
- sloped ground /
- weak ground /
- subgrade embankment /
- FEM /
- numerical simulation
表 1 土层物理力学参数
Table 1. Mechanical parameters of soil
土层类型 泊松比μ 重度γ/kN·m-3 弹性模量E/MPa 粘聚力c/kPa 内摩擦角φ/ (°) 路堤填料 0.3 19 30 25 25 软弱土层 0.4 18 5 10 10 稳定土层1 0.3 20 100 100 40 稳定土层2 0.2 21 200 150 45 稳定土层3 0.1 22 300 200 50 表 2 代表性断面土层参数
Table 2. Soil parameters of typical cross-section
土层编号 重度γ/kN·m-3 粘聚力c/kPa 内摩擦角φ/ (°) 弹性模量E/MPa 泊松比μ 1 19 20 20 30 0.25 2 18 12 10 5 0.40 3 18 20 15 15 0.30 4 20 50 40 10000 0.10 表 3 抗滑桩、碎石桩设置位置处土层参数
Table 3. Soil parameters of location using anti-slide pile and granular pile
工程措施 重度γ/kN·m-3 粘聚力c/kPa 内摩擦角φ/ (°) 弹性模量E/MPa 泊松比μ 抗滑桩 25 — — 20000 0.1 碎石桩 20 0 30 1000 0.2 注: 抗滑桩设置位置处局部采用线弹性本构关系, 对其它部分仍采用理想弹塑性本构关系。 表 4 不同工程措施条件下路堤地基的响应
Table 4. Some critical mechanical responses under different engineering measurements
参数 类型 不采取任何加固措施 地基用碎石桩加固 左侧坡脚设置抗滑桩 同时采取碎石桩和抗滑桩 umax/m 0.983 0.157 0.171 0.150 uH/m max 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.017 min -0.872 -0.104 -0.112 -0.084 uV/m max 0.633 0.030 0.049 0.008 min -0.426 -0.133 -0.139 -0.129 γmax max 0.357 0.049 0.062 0.043 min/10-7 0.529 1.114 3.515 4.692 σ1/kPa max 364.464 767.225 1916.670 1725.260 min -49.5621 -28.999 -229.490 -232.375 σ3/kPa max 223.153 329.249 726.077 768.751 min -54.012 -863.530 -744.465 -634.742 τmax/kPa max 122.457 650.849 600.566 508.030 min 0.240 0.214 0.179 0.202 -
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