摘要: 针对当前中国高速公路交通标志设置中存在的一些不容忽视的问题, 以驾驶员信息接收和加工的基本规律为基础, 分析了驾驶员有效利用交通标志传递信息的条件, 研究了交通标志的视认距离、在空间的安置方式、同时并设及列队连续设置等因素对静态交通标志设置的影响Abstract: With the development of expressway, the installation of static traffic signs is very important for driving safety. According drivers' receiving information process and their reaction regular, how to scientifically installate the static traffic signs along expressway was discussed.
Key words:
- expressway /
- traffic signs /
- scientific installation
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