摘要: 用微观经济学方法对不同结构的交通市场中的生产者行为进行了分析, 对不完全竞争者和垄断者利用市场权力谋求最大化利益的情况进行的分析表明, 生产者的市场权力取决于需求弹性和替代品数量, 不完全竞争者可以根据具体情况运用不同的差别价格策略实现利益最大化, 特别是固定投资巨大而机会成本相对较小的铁路企业还可以通过差别价格策略获得最佳价格组合。铁路企业若要理性地实施差别价格策略, 必须对市场进行细分, 估计各细分市场的需求弹性与替代品数量, 然后还要估计各产品的短期成本函数与制造产品差异。Abstract: This paper used microeconomics method to analyze carrier's behavior in different structural market of transportation. The phenomenon that the imperfect competitor and monopolist usually make use of market power to maximize its benefits expresses that a firm's market power is decided by the demand flexibility and the number of substitutes. Imperfect competitor can make use of different discriminate price strategy based on special circs to maximize its benefits. Railway enterprises, which need a great of fix cost, but comparatively small part of variable cost, also can seek optimum price combination by using discriminate price strategy. If a railway enterprise want to make use of discriminate price strategy rationally, it must to subdivide the market it faced, estimate the demand flexibility of each segment market and the number of substitute, and the short-term cost function of each product, of course difference in product is very important.
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