摘要: 通过在火花点火式发动机燃用二甲醚混合燃料与汽油的对比试验, 评价了二甲醚混合燃料的不同组分在发动机上的应用特性, 分析了由二甲醚、液化石油气和甲醇组成的两种配比的混合燃料发动机的燃料经济性能、动力性能、怠速时的排放性能。结果表明: 与燃用90#汽油相比, 二甲醚混合燃料的抗爆性能好; 在燃料供给和点火系统稍作调整后, 发动机燃用二甲醚-液化石油气混合燃料在低转速和中等转速时, 其功率高于汽油机, 在高转速时功率低于汽油机, 在全部负荷工况下二甲醚-液化石油气混合燃料消耗率低于汽油; 怠速时二甲醚-液化石油气混合燃料HC、CO、NOx排放量比90#汽油有显著下降。这说明发动机燃用二甲醚-液化石油气混合燃料基本达到燃用汽油的水平。Abstract: By contrasting the testing results of engine fueled with dimethyl ether (DME) blends and gasoline, this paper evaluated the practical characteristics of different component and the ratio of DME blends on spark ignition engine. The investigation and analysis of power performance, fuel economy and idle emissions were carried out on spark ignition engine fueled with two different ratio blends, which were made up of DME, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and methanol. The results indicate that the antiknock property of DME-LPG blends is better than that of gasoline, through adjusting the fuel supplying and ignition system of engine, the power of DME-LPG blends is greater than that of gasoline at low and middle engine speed, lower than that of gasoline at high engine speed, the specific fuel consumption of DME-LPG blends is lower than that of gasoline under all range of load, the HC, CO and NOx emissions of DME-LPG blends are obviously reduced compared with gasoline under idling condition. The performance of DME-LPG blends engine is generally the same as that of gasoline engine.
Key words:
- internal-combustion engine /
- alternative fuel /
- engine performance /
- spark ignition engine /
- DME /
- gasoline /
- DME-LPG blends
表 1 二甲醚与汽油的理化性质比较
Table 1. Principal properties of DME and gasoline
理化性质 二甲醚 汽油 化学分子式 CH3—O—CH3 C5~C11的烃类 液相密度/ (kg·l-1) 0.661 0.72~0.75 沸点/℃ -24.9 30~220 自燃点/℃ 235 260 可燃范围(体积比/%) 3.4~19.0 1.3~7.6 低热值/ (MJ·kg-1) 27.6 44.5 理论空燃比(质量比) 9.0 14.8 混合气热值/ (MJ·m-3) 3.71 3.82 辛烷值RON — 90 十六烷值 55~66 27 表 2 混合燃料组成及其主要理化性质
Table 2. Compositions and principal properties of DME blends
燃料种类 1 2 3 二甲醚/% (质量百分比) 30 30 0 LPG/% (质量百分比) 65 70 0 汽油/% (质量百分比) 0 0 100 甲醇/% (质量百分比) 5 0 0 辛烷值(RON) 95 95 90 理论空气量Lo/ (kg·kg-1) 13.23 13.69 14.8 质量低热值/ (kJ·kg-1) 39 080 40 830 44 500 理论混合气热值/[kJ· (kmol)-1] 82 400 82 612 84 006 表 3 发动机主要技术参数
Table 3. Main technique parameters of engine
型号 HH368Q 气缸直径/mm 68.5 行程/mm 72 排量/l 0.796 压缩比 8.7 标定转速/ (r·min-1) 5 500 标定功率/kW 26.2 -
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