摘要: 为了有效评价磁悬浮车辆动力学性能, 引入SIMPACK仿真软件, 根据磁悬浮车辆多体系统动力学拓扑关系图, 建立了磁悬浮车辆-轨道-控制系统的耦合动力学模型, 分析了试验结果和仿真结果。在模型中, 磁悬浮车辆被视为多刚体, 并具有两系悬挂系统, 轨道被视为弹性欧拉梁, 并考虑了磁悬浮车辆的控制系统性能。数值分析结果表明: 梁的最大变形的计算值为1.5mm, 试验值为1.6mm, 车体的垂向加速度仿真结果与试验结果基本一致, 利用仿真模型能较准确地预测耦合系统的动力学性能。Abstract: In order to effectively evaluate the dynamics performance of maglev, SIMPACK was introduced, a vehicle-track-control system coupling dynamics model was established according to the topological relationship chart of maglev kinematics, and a test example was presented to detailedly verify the model. In the model, vehicle was treated as a full dynamic rigid multi-body model with doubled suspension systems, Euler beam was utilized to model rails, and the control system of maglev was also taken into consideration. Comparison result shows that the maximum deformation of beam is 1.5 mm, while the test result is 1.6 mm; the vertical accelerations of carbody in simulation and test are reasonable. So the model is feasible to test and evaluate the dynamics characteristic of maglev in engineering application.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- maglev /
- reliability evaluation /
- simulation model /
- dynamics
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