摘要: 为了准确进行公路网交通需求预测, 分析了影响出行方式选择和路径选择的广义费用的影响因素, 给出了广义费用的组成部分和函数形式, 探讨了多类型车辆换算模型的形式和参数标定方法。借鉴城市混合交通流量分配的研究成果, 运用变分不等式的理论和方法, 建立了基于广义费用的多用户公路网平衡配流模型, 借助交通规划软件Emme设计了模型的求解算法, 并利用温州市相关数据进行模型中的部分参数标定和实证研究。分析结果表明: 该模型进行交通分配的结果明显优于分步加载方法, 在路段饱和度较高时比客货分步加载的方法更加可靠。Abstract: In order to estimate traffic volume correctly, the influence factors of generalized cost which influenced the choice of traffic mode and route were analyzed.The components and function forms of generalized cost were studied.Multi-type vehicle conversion model was developed, and its adjustment factors were calibrated.With the theory and method of variational inequality, a network equilibrium model based on generalized cost was established by using the results of network equilibrium model for urban complex traffic.With transportation planning software Emme, an algorithm and program of the model was developed.According to the traffic data from Wenzhou City, some model parameters were calibrated.Analysis result shows that the traffic assignment result of the model is better than that of fractional step loading, especially in the case that the saturation value of road section is higher.
Key words:
- transportation planning /
- traffic assignment /
- network equilibrium /
- generalized cost
表 1 车型分类和车辆换算系数
Table 1. Classes of vehicles and vehicle equivalent factors
表 2 调整系数
Table 2. Adjustment factors
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