Scheduling model and algorithm of integrating loading and unloading operations in same ship-bay at container terminal
摘要: 为了提高集装箱码头装卸效率, 建立同贝同步装卸调度模型, 实现装卸桥在同一贝位内同时进行装船与卸船作业, 模型通过优化装卸桥作业序列与出口集装箱积载计划降低装卸桥与龙门吊作业时间。设计了基于双层遗传算法的模型求解方法, 利用上层遗传算法搜索装卸桥最优作业序列, 下层遗传算法在装卸桥作业序列基础上获得出口集装箱最优积载计划, 然后计算龙门吊与装卸桥作业时间, 且将结果反馈到上层遗传算法, 通过上下层遗传算法的反馈优化调度方案。通过算例对模型与算法进行验证。分析结果表明: 同贝同步装卸调度模型可以提高装卸效率9.42%~11.53%, 模型与算法有效。Abstract: To improve the operation efficiency of container terminal, a scheduling model of integrating loading and unloading operations was developed.By using the model quay cranes could perform loading and unloading operations simultaneously in same ship-bay. The objective of the model was to minimize the operation times of quay cranes and yard cranes by optimizing the stowage plan of outbound containers and the operation sequence of quay cranes. A bi-level genetic algorithm(GA) was designed to solve the model, in which the upper level GA aimed to find the optimal sequence for quay cranes, the lower level GA aimed to find the optimal stowage plan of outbound containers based on the operation sequence of quay cranes, calculate the total operation times of quay cranes and yard cranes, and return the results to upper level GA, so the scheduling plan was optimized by the feedback between upper level GA and lower level GA. Numerical tests were provided to illustrate the model and algorithm.Analysis result indicates that the operation times of quay cranes can reduce by 9.42%~1.53% by using the model, so the model and algorithm are efficient.
表 1 装卸桥作业时间比较
Table 1. Comparison of quay crane operation times
试验样本 总作业时间/s 比较/% 编号 列数 层数 T1q T2q T3q 1 10 8 266.0 240.9 239.1 -9.42 -10.11 2 12 9 351.8 317.8 315.8 -9.65 -10.23 3 15 10 490.0 442.2 437.7 -9.76 -10.67 4 18 12 647.5 583.8 577.3 -9.83 -10.84 5 20 12 717.5 645.9 637.1 -9.97 -11.20 6 23 12 822.5 739.2 729.0 -10.13 -11.37 7 25 13 910.0 817.4 803.9 -10.18 -11.65 8 28 13 1 050.0 942.8 928.9 -10.21 -11.53 表 2 龙门吊作业时间比较
Table 2. Comparison of yard crane operation times
试验样本 总作业时间/s 比较/% 编号 列数 层数 T1v T2v T3v 1 10 8 228.7 262.3 230.9 18.02 1.26 2 12 9 303.5 349.4 306.4 18.30 1.12 3 15 10 420.3 492.7 425.3 20.32 1.27 4 18 12 555.2 656.3 563.0 21.25 1.45 5 20 12 615.6 743.3 629.2 23.86 2.31 6 23 12 705.4 863.4 722.8 25.47 2.52 7 25 13 780.0 977.9 800.9 28.38 2.68 8 28 13 901.2 1 158.4 923.4 31.71 2.60 -
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