摘要: 为求解满足应急时间约束及数量最少的铁路应急物资储备点选址问题, 分析了铁路应急物资储备点选址问题的独特性, 将复杂的铁路路网简化为路段, 依托供需可达矩阵建立数学模型, 结合改进的分支剪支搜索方法给出了求解程序, 并以某铁路局的应急物资储备点选址问题为例进行了实证分析。分析结果表明: 选取阎良作为防洪物资储备点符合实际情况, 该模型能够在保证有效解一致的前提下, 将复杂的铁路路网简化为路段, 消除了点覆盖线的约束, 适用于铁路应急物资储备点选址问题。Abstract: In order to solve the reserve depot location problem of railway emergency material with the restrictions of response time and minimum number of reserve depots, complex railway network was simplified to sections by analyzing the uniqueness of the problem. A mathematic model was established relying on supply and demand matrix, and its solving program with improved branch and cut search method was introduced. The reserve depot location problem of a railway bureau was taken as an empirical analysis. Analysis result indicates that choosing Yanliang as reserve depot is correspond to reality, the model simplifies complex railway network to sections with the premise of ensuring the consistency of effective solution, and eliminates the constraint of point covering line, so the model is more applicable to the reserve depot location problem of railway emergency material.
表 1 备选点与应急点之间的距离
Table 1. Distances between alternative reserve depots and emergency depots
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