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Dynamics simulation models of coupler systems for freight locomotive

WU Qing LUO Shi-hui WEI Chong-feng MA Wei-hua

吴庆, 罗世辉, 魏冲锋, 马卫华. 货运机车车钩缓冲装置动力学仿真模型[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2012, 12(3): 37-43. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2012.03.006
引用本文: 吴庆, 罗世辉, 魏冲锋, 马卫华. 货运机车车钩缓冲装置动力学仿真模型[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2012, 12(3): 37-43. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2012.03.006
WU Qing, LUO Shi-hui, WEI Chong-feng, MA Wei-hua. Dynamics simulation models of coupler systems for freight locomotive[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2012, 12(3): 37-43. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2012.03.006
Citation: WU Qing, LUO Shi-hui, WEI Chong-feng, MA Wei-hua. Dynamics simulation models of coupler systems for freight locomotive[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2012, 12(3): 37-43. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2012.03.006


doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2012.03.006

National Natural Science Foundation of China 50775191

National Natural Science Foundation of China 51005190

  • 中图分类号: U260.34

Dynamics simulation models of coupler systems for freight locomotive


National Natural Science Foundation of China 50775191

National Natural Science Foundation of China 51005190

More Information
    Author Bio:

    WU Qing (1987-),Male,Nanchong,Sichuan,Doctoral Student of Southwest Jiaotong University,Research on Vehicle System Dynamics,+86-28-87601973,wuqing1943@126.com

    LUO Shi-hui (1964-),Male,Ganzhou,Jiangxi,Professor of Southwest Jiaotong University,PhD,+86-28-86466203, shluo@swjtu.cn

  • 摘要: 分析了不同钩缓装置的工作原理, 采用控制系统仿真方法建立了考虑实时性对中钩肩与钩尾摩擦副作用的钩缓装置结构模型, 采用函数查表法建立了具有迟滞特性的非线性缓冲器模型, 采用由2台8轴机车及1辆简化货车组成的列车模型对DFC-E100与13A/QKX-100钩缓装置进行了仿真研究, 同时对车体稳钩能力进行了理论计算。计算结果表明: 钩缓装置模型能够较好地反映机车钩缓装置的实际运行状态, DFC-E100钩缓装置车钩在纵向力超过一定值后才会发生明显偏转, 钩肩结构能够有效地防止车钩的过度偏转; 机车配备DFC-E100钩缓系统时车体稳钩能力的仿真结果及理论计算结果与实测结果的误差分别为4.23%和10.65%。13A/QKX-100系统车钩钩尾摩擦副是影响其承压行为的关键因素, 其能使车钩在承受纵向压力时不发生明显偏转。


  • Figure  1.  DFC-E100 system

    Figure  2.  13A/QKX-100 system

    Figure  3.  Generalized model of draft gear

    Figure  4.  Draft gear models

    Figure  5.  Coupler model

    Figure  6.  Train model

    Figure  7.  Dynamic performances of DFC-E100 system

    Figure  8.  Analysis of carbody-stabilizing-coupler ability

    Figure  9.  Time history of aligning torque

    Figure  10.  Dynamic performances of 13A/QKX-100 system

    Figure  11.  Time history of friction force

    Table  1.   Key parameters of train models

    Parameter Value Parameter Value
    Preload(DFC/QKX)/kN 130/150 Aligning torque arm(DFC)/mm 135
    Maximum travel(DFC/QKX)/mm 110/83 Kinetic friction velocity/(m·s-1) 0.02
    Absorptivity (DFC/QKX)/% 80/70 Friction coefficient 0.32
    Maximum impedance force/kN 2 500 Wheelbase/mm 2 600
    Shift velocity/(m·s-1) 0.1 Bogiebase B′/mm 10 800
    Coupler free angle (DFC/QKX)/(°) 3.5/9.0 Couplerbase C/mm 15 652
    Coupler gap/mm 10 Lateral gap of secondary stop δ/mm 60
    Coupler length G/mm 830 Lateral stiffness of primary suspension k1/(kN·mm-1) 7.24
    Coupler structural maximum angle (DFC)/(°) 19 Lateral stiffness of secondary suspension k2/(kN·mm-1) 0.26
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