Dynamic coordinated control method of gear shifting without clutch operation for hybrid electric vehicle
摘要: 为减小混合动力车辆换档过程中产生的冲击, 缩短换档时间与提高车辆的加速性能, 基于一种双电机混合动力系统构型, 提出了无离合器操作的换档协调控制方法。通过控制自动变速器输入轴处的电机, 实现无离合器操作换档过程中变速器输入轴的转速快速同步, 缩短换档时间。为了防止离合器频繁分离与结合导致过度的磨损, 控制自动变速器输出轴处的电机, 在换档过程中通过驱动力补偿来保证整个系统的转矩输出连续, 减小换档过程的冲击度。试验结果表明: 应用无离合器操作换档协调控制方法能够确保车辆在换档过程中驱动力的连续输出, 与传统的换档方式相比, 冲击度降低了约60%, 车辆在0~50 km·h-1与0~60 km·h-1的加速性能分别提高了5.53%与5.94%。Abstract: In order to decrease gear shifting impact, shorten gear shifting time and improve vehicle accelerating performance, a dynamic coordinated control method of gear shifting without clutch operation for hybrid electric vehicle was proposed based on dual-motor hybrid electric powertrain.The driven motor of automatic transmission input shaft was controlled to fast realize rotate speed synchronization in gear shifting process without clutch operation so as to shorten gear shifting time.The driven motor of automatic transmission output shaft was controlled to prevent clutch from over wearing because of frequent separation and combination, and the continuous torque output of driving system was achieved by using motor torque on the output shaft of transmission to reduce the impact degree in gear shifting.Test result shows that vehicle driving force keeps stable in gear shifting because of the dynamic coordinated control method.Compared with the traditional gear shifting method, clutch impact degree reduces by about 60%, and vehicle accelerating performances improve by 5.53% and 5.94% under 0-50 and 0-60 km·h-1accelerating conditions, respectively.
表 1 加速性试验结果
Table 1. Accelerating experiment result
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