Volume 24 Issue 3
Jun.  2024
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Article Contents
LI Sheng, ZHANG Hai-tao, SUN Yu, LIU Ya-ru, YU Shi-qing, WANG Miao, ZHANG Zong-shuai. Review on deterioration behavior and life extension technologies of cement pavement in service[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2024, 24(3): 25-47. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.002
Citation: LI Sheng, ZHANG Hai-tao, SUN Yu, LIU Ya-ru, YU Shi-qing, WANG Miao, ZHANG Zong-shuai. Review on deterioration behavior and life extension technologies of cement pavement in service[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2024, 24(3): 25-47. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.002

Review on deterioration behavior and life extension technologies of cement pavement in service

doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2024.03.002

National Key Research and Development Program of China 2021YFB2601004

National Natural Science Foundation of China 52208422

National Natural Science Foundation of China 52378436

National Science Foundation of Hunan Province 2022JJ30598

Science and Technology Progress and Innovation Plan Project of Hunan Provincial Department of Transportation 202235

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    LI Sheng(1980-), male, professor, PhD, lishengttt@163.com

  • Received Date: 2024-01-14
    Available Online: 2024-07-18
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-30
  • In order to improve the durability and service life of cement pavement in service, the mechanical response and fatigue damage evolution behavior of cement pavement structure were reviewed based on the research status of life extension repair technologies of cement pavement in China and abroad. The formation mechanism of main diseases, deterioration behavior, and characteristics of cement pavement were analyzed, and the research progresses of different deterioration behavior control technologies were summarized. Based on the idea of making full use of the residual bearing capacity of old cement pavement slabs and the research of the mechanical behavior of old cement pavement with overlay structure for life extension, a typical overlay structure of separated continuous reinforced concrete (CRC) slabs under harsh environment was proposed. The perceptive technology of service behavior of cement pavement structure was summarized. Research results show that the establishment of a mechanical model accurately reflecting the service behavior of cement pavement can provide a scientific theoretical basis for its reasonable design and accurate life prediction. Evaluating and repairing the technical condition of cement pavement in time at the initial stage of damage can extend its service life to a certain extent. Joint load transfer capacity and void beneath the slab are significant factors affecting the durability of cement pavement, which should be paid more attention in the repair process of old cement pavement. Overlaying asphalt concrete and cement concrete on old cement pavement is an effective measure to extend its life. In terms of whole life-cycle, overlaying CRC slabs is an effective technical means to extend the life of cement pavement in service with heavy traffic. In the future, a life prediction theory should be established by considering the deterioration behavior and residual strength of cement pavement in service, and high-performance, compatible, and environmentally friendly materials for life extension and repair of cement pavement should be developed. With the help of the perception and processing technologies of multi-source heterogeneous big data of service performance, the theoretical technology and industry norms of overlay structure design of cement pavement in service should be improved, and the service level and service life of cement pavement in service are comprehensively improved.


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