Calculation method of brake NOx emission from marine diesel engine
摘要: 为了提高船舶柴油机排气流量计算精度, 利用柴油机不完全燃烧化学反应方程及元素质量平衡关系, 推导出一种新的排气流量NOx比排放计算方法, 不需要计算CO2的浓度参数, 避免排放量的迭代计算。为适应NOx排放实船测试的特点和要求, 探讨了基于该方法的近似计算方法和排气浓度简化测试方案。新方法比简单碳平衡法排气流量计算精度高1.1%~1.5%, NOx比排放计算精度高0.3%~0.6%, 忽略CO、HC成分浓度所造成的加权NOx比排放误差在0.2%以内。结果分析表明, 忽略排气中CO和HC的实船简化测试方案是可行的, NOx排放实船测试可以采用便携式气体分析仪。Abstract: In order to improve the computation precision of exhaust gas flows, a new calculation method of brake NOx emission from marine diesel engine was deduced by chemical reaction equations based on incomplete combustion and the principle of element quality balance, CO2 gas was ignored, iterative calculation was avoided.For meeting the requirements and characteristics of on-board measurement of NOx emission, approximate calculation methods based on the new method and simplified measurement were discussed. The calculation result of a example shows that the exhaust gas flows calculated by the new method are more accurate by 1.1%~1.5% than by carbon balance method, brake NOx emission is more accurate by 0.3%~0.6%, and the error of weighted brake NOx emission caused from ignoring CO and HC is less than 0.2%. The result proves the feasibility of simplified on-board measurement of NOx emission because of ignoring CO and HC by handy gas analyzer.
Key words:
- marine engineering /
- marine diesel engine /
- NOx emission /
- on-board measurement /
- calculation method
表 1 计算系数取值
Table 1. Values of computation coefficients
气体 u v w NOx 0.001587 0.002053 0.002053 表 2 燃油成分
Table 2. Fuel mass composition
碳所占的质量份额/% 氢所占的质量份额/% 硫所占的质量份额/% 86.02 13.80 0.18 表 3 原始测量数据
Table 3. Original measured data
工况 1 2 3 4 柴油机参数 功率/kW 1082 809 538 269 转速/(r·min-1) 1000 1000 1000 1000 燃油流量/(g·s-1) 60.07 45.10 31.81 18.88 大气参数 大气压力/kPa 100.73 100.74 100.77 100.77 大气温度/℃ 25.9 23.0 23.2 22.7 大气相对湿度/% 45.7 59.4 58.6 58.0 扫气参数 冷空气温度/℃ 53.6 52.6 51.5 51.7 冷空气参考温度/℃ 39.53 38.53 39.15 40.12 扫气压力(表压)/kPa 291 209 126 54 排气参数 NOx的湿体积浓度 8.70×10-4 8.25×10-4 6.99×10-4 5.02×10-4 CO的干体积浓度 2.50×10-5 2.10×10-5 3.40×10-5 9.70×10-5 O2的干体积浓度/% 12.52 13.15 13.38 14.02 HC的湿体积浓度 1.06×10-4 1.16×10-4 2.10×10-4 2.53×10-4 CO2的干体积浓度/% 6.10 5.69 5.47 5.01 -
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