Repair methods for fatigue cracks in bridge diaphragms based on CFRP sheets and SMA/CFRP composite patches
Abstract:In order to solve the fatigue cracking problem of the diaphragm arc-shape cutouts in the orthotropic steel bridge decks due to vehicle-induced vibration and cyclical wheel load under prolonged service conditions, two kinds of reinforcement methods, including carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets covering crack-stop holes method and shape memory alloys (SMA)/CFRP composite patches covering crack-stop holes method which introduced prestress by activating SMA were proposed. The static and fatigue loading tests were carried out on the repaired diaphragm specimens, the corresponding finite element models were established for numerical simulation and parameter analysis of different reinforcement methods, and the repair effects of different reinforcement methods were compared. Research results show that, after bonding CFRP sheets and SMA/CFRP composite patches on the basis of crack-stop holes, the stresses at the hole edges of diaphragms reduce by 12.46% and 44.90%, respectively, and the fatigue lives of diaphragms repaired with CFRP sheets and SMA/CFRP composite patches are 2.57 and 5.07 times that of diaphragms repaired simply with the crack-stop holes, respectively. Both the two methods can effectively improve the local stiffnesses of the cracked region, and alleviate the stress concentration and improve the fatigue performance of the cracked diaphragms. When repairing with CFRP sheets, increasing the number of CFRP sheets layers can significantly reduce the stress and stress concentration on the diaphragm. To guarantee the bonding performance between CFRP sheets and steel plates, however, it is appropriate to apply 2-3 layers of CFRP sheets in practical applications. When repairing with SMA/CFRP composite patches, the stress concentration on steel plates exhibits an approximately linear decreasing trend with the increase of SMA wire actived stress. Consequently, the repair effect can be effectively enhanced by increasing the SMA wire actived stress in practical engineering.
表 1 NiTiNb-SMA的力学性能
Table 1. Mechanical properties of NiTiNb-SMA
弹性模量/GPa 屈服强度/MPa 极限强度/MPa 激活回复应力/MPa 170 ℃ 306 ℃ 75.18 789.00 1 194.00 293.70 393.00 表 2 试件分组及关键参数
Table 2. Specimen groups and their key parameters
修复方法 试件编号 止裂孔直径/mm CFRP NiTiNb-SMA 止裂孔 S-H-1 16.0 S-H-2 CFRP布粘贴止裂孔 S-CH-1 400 mm×75 mm,2层 S-CH-2 SMA/CFRP组合贴片粘贴止裂孔 S-NCH-a 400 mm×75 mm,2层 40根Φ0.8 mm,间距1.6 mm,长度270 mm S-NCH-b 400 mm×75 mm,2层 40根Φ0.8 mm,间距1.6 mm,长度400 mm 表 3 横隔板上的预压应力
Table 3. Pre-compressive stresses on diaphragms
试件编号 激活温度/℃ 测点应力/MPa σ15 σ30 σ60 σ90 S-NCH-a 170 17.60 12.58 8.25 2.59 S-NCH-b 170 20.38 16.02 10.13 2.72 表 4 60 kN荷载下各试件的σ15
Table 4. σ15 of each specimen under load of 60 kN
MPa 试件编号 S-H-1 S-H-2 S-CH-1 S-CH-2 S-NCH-a S-NCH-b 应力 59.89 58.52 51.51 52.15 32.99 32.25 表 5 横隔板试件的疲劳寿命
Table 5. Fatigue lives of diaphragm specimens
试件编号 疲劳开裂寿命/次 破坏模式 寿命提升/倍 S-H-1 384 094 在止裂孔边缘开裂,开裂后裂纹沿预制裂缝的延伸方向扩展 S-H-2 388 577 S-CH-1 994 322 在止裂孔边缘起裂后沿预制裂缝的延伸方向扩展,CFRP布未脱粘 2.57 S-CH-2 788 040 2.04 S-NCH-a 799 235 裂纹扩展过程中SMA/CFRP组合贴片与横隔板间发生脱粘 2.07 S-NCH-b 1 957 814 裂纹扩展过程中SMA/CFRP组合贴片未脱粘 5.07 表 6 粘贴CFRP布时不同CFRP布层数的修复效果
Table 6. Repair effect of bonding CFRP sheets with different layers of CFRP sheets
CFRP布层数 0 1 2 3 σ2/MPa 174.66 126.84 113.88 106.44 Kt 6.68 4.85 4.35 4.07 表 7 粘贴SMA/CFRP组合贴片时不同SMA激活应力的修复效果
Table 7. Repair effect of bonding SMA/CFRP composite patches under different SMA wire actived stresses
SMA激活应力/MPa 0 100.0 200.0 293.7 400.0 σ2/MPa 106.23 94.78 83.33 72.61 60.44 Kt 4.06 3.62 3.19 2.78 2.31 -
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