HUANG Da-rong, SONG Jun, LI Shu-qing, XIANG Hong-yan. Control technology review of traffic congestion in urban road network under networked dynamic scheduling and control[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013, 13(5): 105-114.
Citation: HUANG Da-rong, SONG Jun, LI Shu-qing, XIANG Hong-yan. Control technology review of traffic congestion in urban road network under networked dynamic scheduling and control[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013, 13(5): 105-114.

Control technology review of traffic congestion in urban road network under networked dynamic scheduling and control

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  • Author Bio:

    HUANG Da-rong(1978-), male, professor, PhD, +86-23-62652751,

  • Received Date: 2013-04-25
  • Publish Date: 2013-10-25
  • With the application of urban traffic security supervision under networked dynamic-link transportation equipment, the present domestic and overseas researches of traffic congestion control technology for urban road network were summarized based on the road network traffic safety performances including reliability evaluation indexes and evaluation methods. The problems and further development of recent researches were pointed.Analysis result shows that because of transmitting delay, data packet loss, and data exception of traffic information in networked dynamic scheduling and control, the traditional traffic congestion control technologies and methods of road network have the lack of global coordination ability, multi-dimension dynamic mode, and coordination ability between traveler and traffic performance. The arrangement of networked dynamic-link resource can be used for the implementation of linkage control at traffic congestion status, but the traditional factors for unimpeded transportation and the factors relating to information resources, such as information transmitting mechanism and channel capacity etc., have to be comprehensively considered.The key sub-control models for the traffic congestion control of road network are proposed.These sub-models are further integrated to establish a systematic-model based on the framework of traffic congestion control technology.It is pointed out that the core content of the model-based frame is the construction of traffic sate database.The future development trend and research focus of traffic congestion control technology are distributed intelligent control, adaptive intelligent control, and integrated intelligent control.


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