LI Rui-min. Study status and prospect of traffic signal control for over-saturated intersection[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013, 13(6): 119-126.
Citation: LI Rui-min. Study status and prospect of traffic signal control for over-saturated intersection[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013, 13(6): 119-126.

Study status and prospect of traffic signal control for over-saturated intersection

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  • Author Bio:

    LI Rui-min(1979-), male, associate professor, PhD, +86-10-62770985,

  • Received Date: 2013-06-03
  • Publish Date: 2013-12-25
  • In order to relieve the serious congestion at signalized intersections, the development course and research status of traffic signal control at over-saturated intersection were summarized, and future development trend was analyzed. The various control objectives of over-saturated traffic flow were introduced, including the minimum delay, the maximum capacity and the queue limitation etc. Several kinds of traffic signal control models and algorithms at over-saturated intersection were analyzed, such as linear programming and optimization models, mixed integer linear programming models and other models based on soft computing and artificial intelligence techniques etc. The traffic signal control under over-saturated condition which was supported by the typical traffic simulation platform and signal control optimization software was summarized, as well as the traffic signal control methods at over-saturated intersection in some typical traffic control systems. Analysis result indicates that according to the traffic flow characteristics at oversaturated intersection, some problems need to be solved by the control methods, including too much parameters, computational complexity and lower computation efficiency etc. In oversaturated network, traffic flow characteristics, integrated optimization model, highly efficient solving algorithm and technology, simulation platform and demonstration application are the future research trends which need to concentrate on.


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