CHEN Bao-chun, LI Cong, HUANG Wei, AN Ming-zhe, HAN Song, DING Qing-jun. Review of ultra-high performance concrete shrinkage[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2018, 18(1): 13-28. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2018.01.002
Citation: CHEN Bao-chun, LI Cong, HUANG Wei, AN Ming-zhe, HAN Song, DING Qing-jun. Review of ultra-high performance concrete shrinkage[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2018, 18(1): 13-28. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2018.01.002

Review of ultra-high performance concrete shrinkage

doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2018.01.002
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    CHEN Bao-chun(1958-), male, PhD, professor, baochunchen@fzu,

  • Received Date: 2017-09-14
  • Publish Date: 2018-02-25
  • The shrinkage characteristics of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) were analyzed.The general rules of UHPC contraction with time were introduced.The influences of material composition, curing regime, internal temperature and internal humidity on UHPC shrinkage were summarized.Research result indicates that the shrinkage of UHPC develops rapidly at 0-7 d, accounting for 61.3%-86.5% of total shrinkage, develops slowly from 7 dto28 d, accounting for 13.5%-27.9%, and becomes steady after 28 d.Autogenic shrinkage is the main cause of early cracking of UHPC, and accounts for 78.6%-90.0% of total shrinkage.In term of the start point about shrinkage test, the initial time of test is 1 d (24 h) after specimen forming, and the termination time is 90 dor 120 d.In term of structural design, it may refer to the values (500-800με) in various countries' standards, and not to consider the residualshrinkage after heat curing.In term of shrinkage prediction models, the norms of all countries have not been uniformed yet, it can only refer to the existing models, and the shrinkage prediction models should be improved and revised.In term of component research, the quantitative impacts of types and contents of fibers and mineral admixtures on the shrinkage are research emphasis, the effect of each component on the shrinkage is different, and the evaluation indexes are relatively simple and should be combined with structural applications, preparation techniques and construction process to comprehensively evaluate the shrinkage.In term of the internal temperature and humidity fields, the research mainly concentrates on normal concretes, high-strength and high-performance concretes after 28 d, and it should be more in-depth study on the early internal temperature and humidity fields of UHPC with the large content of cementitious material, obvious difference of components, and high content of active mineral admixture.In term of reducing shrinkage, internal curing, expansive agent, shrinkage-reducing agent, coarse aggregate, and other measures are applied.Therefore, it should optimize the ratio of UHPC, rationalize the use of admixture, and adopt proper curing system and other measures to reduce the shrinkage of UHPC, but not to reduce its mechanical properties.


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