Asymmetric information theory and nonlinear backstepping robust control algorithm of ship navigation
摘要: 应用不对称信息理论和鲁棒控制算法简化非线性逆推算法, 针对非线性船舶航向保持系统, 设计了其Backstepping逆推控制器, 由非线性函数项和常规线性控制器组成, 将简化的Back-stepping法与闭环增益成形算法相结合, 设计其非线性鲁棒控制器。通过非线性鲁棒控制器的控制能够使船舶无超调、无静差地跟踪设定航向, 调节时间为600 s, 符合船舶航行的实际情况, 控制效果良好; 当系统增加干扰后, 系统的控制输出除了因干扰产生的抖动外, 其跟踪性能仍然较好, 航向输出无静差, 说明控制器具有一定的鲁棒性; 是否全部对消非线性项, 对其控制效果相差不大, 说明当模型发生参数摄动时, 系统的控制性能仍能保证。Abstract: For a nonlinear course keeping system of ships, asymmetric information theory and robust control algorithm were applied to simplify nonlinear backstepping algorithm, through the algorithm, the controller was converted into nonlinear items plus a normal linear control item, and a simplified nonlinear robust control algorithm was presented, which connected the backstepping algorithm with closed-loop gain shaping algorithm. Simulation result shows that the ship can keep the set course without overshoot and steady state error, the regulating time is 600 s, these control indexes accord with the actual condition of ship navigation, and the course keeping performance is improved. When wind and wave disturbances are introduced into the system, the control effects are satisfied, the output course does not have steady state error, the controller has good robustness. The control effect does not vary obviously whether the nonlinear items are cancelled or not, the control performance is guaranteed.
Key words:
- traffic control /
- ship navigation /
- asymmetric information theory /
- backstepping algorithm /
- nonlinear /
- robustness /
- course keeping
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