摘要: 为了研究弯道行驶中制动工况对半挂汽车列车稳定性的影响, 运用动力学理论与虚拟样机仿真软件ADAMS, 建立了具有21自由度的半挂汽车列车整车模型, 分析了在弯道行驶极限工况下, 半挂汽车列车折叠角、侧向加速度、横摆角速度、车速、轮速、轮胎侧偏角随时间的变化关系。通过整车系统的稳态转向试验与阶跃试验, 验证了模型具有较好的仿真精度。仿真结果表明: 转向后3 s实施制动, 在3 s的时间内, 牵引车侧向加速度变为0, 横摆角速度达到极值33 rad·s-1后迅速减小, 而半挂车侧向加速度达到极值4 m·s-2, 横摆角速度逐渐减小为0;在制动过程中, 牵引车后轴先抱死拖滑, 由此引起半挂汽车列车发生折叠现象, 从而导致弯道行驶制动稳定性降低。Abstract: In order to study the effect of braking condition on the stability of tractor-semitrailer running on curve, a whole vehicle model of tractor-semitrailer with 21 degrees of freedom was established by using dynamics theory and virtual prototype simulation software ADAMS. The change relations of folding angle, lateral acceleration, yaw angle velocity, vehicle speed, wheel speed and tire side-slip angle with time were analyzed when tractor-semitrailer ran on curve under the ultimate condition. Through the whole vehicle test of stable steering and step, the simulation accuracy of the model was verified. Simulation result shows that when tractor-semitrailer brakes after 3 s of turning, in 3 s, tractor's lateral acceleration becomes 0, yaw angle velocity reaches extreme value 33 rad·s-1, then decreases rapidly.While trailer's lateral acceleration reaches extreme value 4 m·s-2, and yaw angle velocity gradually decreases to 0. In the braking process on curve, tractor's rear axle first locks and slips, thus the folding phenomenon of tractor-semitrailer probably happens, which leads to the reduction of braking stability.
Key words:
- automobile engineering /
- tractor-semitrailer /
- running on curve /
- braking stability /
- virtual simulation
表 1 半挂汽车列车结构尺寸参数
Table 1. Structural representation parameters of tractor-semitrailer
名称 符号 数值 空载 满载 牵引车前轴与质心距离/m a1 1.96 1.96 牵引车后轴与质心距离/m b1 2.35 2.35 牵引点与牵引车质心距离/m c 2.05 2.05 牵引车质心高度/m h 0.90 0.85 半挂车质心高度/m h′ 0.97 2.10 牵引点与半挂车质心距离/m a2 5.23 5.92 半挂车后轴与质心距离/m b2 3.30 2.61 牵引车前轴轮距/m d1 2.14 2.14 牵引车后轴轮距/m d2 1.82 1.82 半挂车后轴轮距/m d3 2.16 2.16 -
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