Optimization algorithm of coordinated control scheme transition of traffic signal
摘要: 建立了信号控制方案过渡前后的交叉口相位差调整量关系方程组, 针对各交叉口过渡信号周期的允许取值范围, 利用交叉口相位差调整比例的极小极大原理, 提出了单周期对称调节过渡算法与N周期加权调节过渡算法。分析结果表明: 单周期对称调节过渡算法将在满足一次过渡条件下, 实现交叉口相位差实际调整量最大值的最小化; N周期加权调节过渡算法则可以综合考虑各交叉口过渡信号周期的不同允许取值范围, 根据交叉口相位差最大调整比例的最小化要求, 通过N个过渡信号周期最终实现协调控制方案的快速平滑过渡。与其他过渡算法相比, N周期加权调节过渡算法实现了对于控制区域内交叉口相位差调整量的整体优化, 使过渡方案能够更好地满足不同信号交叉口的控制需求, 具有更广的适用范围与实用性。Abstract: The equations describing the relationship of phase difference adjustment quantities were established for intersection before and after transition. Considering the allowable range of each intersection's signal cycle length in transition period, the single-cycle symmetrical adjustment transition algorithm and the N-cycle weighted adjustment transition algorithm were proposed based on the minimax principle of offset adjustment ratio. Analysis result shows that when the symmetrical adjustment transition algorithm is finished in one cycle, and the actual maximum adjustment of intersection phase difference is minimized. The weighted adjustment transition algorithm comprehensively consideres the allowable range of each intersection's transition signal cycle, and can make a coordinated control scheme rapidly and smoothly transit to a new coordinated control scheme after N transition signal cycles based on the minimum requirement of the maximum adjustment ratio of phase difference. Compared with other transition algorithms, the global optimization of phase difference adjustment for all intersections in control area can be realized by the weighted adjustment transition algorithm, which better satisfy the control demands of different signal intersections, so the weighted adjustment transition algorithm is more practical and has a broader application scope.
表 1 常用过渡方法
Table 1. Common transition methods
表 2 过渡信号周期的设置
Table 2. Setting of transition signal cycles
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