Research progress and engineering application of long lasting high performance weathering steel bridges
摘要: 系统归纳与剖析了国内外耐候钢桥的研究新进展及工程应用情况, 总结了稳定耐候锈层的形成机制、选材标准、腐蚀与疲劳损伤机理、耐候构造、耐候螺栓研发以及锈层检测与评价技术等方面的关键科技成果, 梳理并完善了耐候钢桥的适用范围和腐蚀余量设计指标, 提出了耐候钢桥锈层稳定化处理及施工技术要点; 评析了耐候钢桥锈层损伤检测与评价技术、腐蚀损伤养管技术, 结合美、日耐候钢桥工程事故经验教训和中国首批长寿命高性能耐候钢桥建设技术创新成果, 探讨了该领域的技术创新方向。研究结果表明: 耐候锈层由外层的γ-FeOOH、α-FeOOH以及内层的非晶态FeOOH化合物与Fe3O4构成, 稳定耐候锈层能否形成与保持, 主要受氯离子、积水和积尘等因素的影响; 建议编制中国高性能耐候钢桥选材区划图谱, 完善稳定耐候锈层构造设计准则; 现代耐候钢桥具有高性能和长寿命的技术特征, 带锈层构造细节的面内应力疲劳、面外变形疲劳试验和数值断裂力学模拟, 以及耐候高强螺栓长期耐损性能研究的推进, 将为建立完善的耐腐蚀、抗疲劳设计准则奠定基础; 人工智能技术的应用将推动长寿命高性能耐候钢桥智能运维技术的重大进步; 应加大研发投入, 建立具有中国自主知识产权的长寿命高性能耐候钢桥设计、建造和运维标准规范体系, 培养高素质的工程技术人才, 推进交通强国建设。Abstract: The new research progress and engineering application of weathering steel bridges at home and abroad were systematically generalized and analyzed. The key scientific and technological achievements in the fields of formation mechanism of stable corrosion-resistant patina, material selection standard, corrosion and fatigue damage mechanism, research and development of corrosion-resistant configuration and weathering bolt, and detection and evaluation technology of patina were summarized. The application scope and corrosion allowance design indexes of weathering steel bridges were combed and improved, and the key points of stabilization treatment and construction technology for the patina of weathering steel bridges were proposed. The damage detection and evaluation technology and corrosion damage maintenance and management technology of patina in weathering steel bridges were evaluated and analyzed. Combined with the experience and lessons of weathering steel bridge engineering accidents in the United States and Japan, as well as the construction technological innovation achievements of the first batch of long lasting high performance weathering steel bridges in China, the technological innovation direction in this field was discussed. Research result shows that the composition of corrosion-resistant patina contains the outer layer of γ-FeOOH and α-FeOOH, and the inner layer of amorphous FeOOH compound and Fe3O4. The formation and durability of stable corrosion-resistant patina are mainly affected by the factors such as chloride ion, accumulated water and dust. The material selection zoning map of high performance weathering steel bridges in China is suggested to establish, and the configuration design criterion of stable corrosion-resistant patina should be improved. The modern weathering steel bridge has the technical characteristics of high performance and long lasting. The in-plane stress fatigue, out-of-plane deformation fatigue test, numerical fracture mechanics simulation of configuration details with patina and the research on the long-term damage resistance of weathering high-strength bolts should be promoted to lay the foundation for establishing a perfect design criterion of anti-corrosion and anti-fatigue. The application of artificial intelligence technology will promote the significant progress of intelligent management and maintenance technology of long lasting high performance weathering steel bridges. The investment for research and development should be increased, a specification system should be established for the design, construction and maintenance of long lasting high performance weathering steel bridges with independent intellectual property rights in China, the high-quality engineering and technical talents should be cultivated, thus to promot the development of Chinese strong transportation network.
表 1 中国耐候钢桥
Table 1. Weathering steel bridges in China
桥名 桥梁用途 结构形式 跨径组成/m 涂装情况 主要构件材质 开通时间 京广铁路武汉巡司河桥 铁路桥 钢箱梁桥 3×19.3 钢梁免涂装 NHq35 1991 沈阳后丁香大桥 公路桥 钢箱梁桥 38+61+38、38+61+61+48、48+61+38 箱内免涂装 Q345qENH 2013 陕西眉县常兴二号桥 公路桥 管翼缘组合梁桥 54 全桥免涂装 下翼缘Q500qDNH, 其余Q345qDNH 2014 陕西黄延高速磨坊跨线桥(K16+322.607) 公路桥 钢板梁桥 2×28 全桥免涂装 下翼缘Q500qENH, 其余Q345qENH 2015 陕西黄延高速磨坊跨线桥(K18+496.141) 公路桥 管翼缘组合梁桥 2×28 全桥免涂装 下翼缘Q500qENH, 其余Q345qENH 2015 西藏墨脱达国大桥 公路桥 钢桁架悬索桥 81 主桁免涂装 Q345qDNH 2015 西藏墨脱西莫河大桥 公路桥 钢桁架悬索桥 126 主桁免涂装 Q345qDNH 2015 台州内环路立交桥 公路桥 钢箱梁桥 45~61 箱内免涂装 Q345qDNH 2017 拉林铁路藏木雅鲁藏布江大桥 铁路桥 中承式钢管混凝土提篮拱桥 430 桥面以上钢管拱免涂装 主钢管Q420qENH, 其余Q345qDNH 2019 官厅水库特大桥 公路桥 双塔单跨悬索桥 210+720+210 主桥加劲钢板梁免涂装 Q345qENH 2019 G109线改建工程跨柳忠高速高架桥 市政桥 钢管翼缘斜弯组合梁桥 51+61+51 全桥免涂装 下翼板Q500qENH, 其余Q345qENH 2020 表 2 日本可使用耐候钢的地区
Table 2. Areas of Japan where weathering steel can be used
地区 与海岸线距离/km 日本海的沿海地区 Ⅰ > 20 Ⅱ > 5 太平洋海岸 > 2 濑户内海沿岸 > 1 表 3 EN ISO 9223—2012中的环境等级分类
Table 3. Classification of environmental grades in EN ISO 9223—2012
环境等级 环境特征 C1 仅室内环境 C2 大气中含有少量污染物, 多为农村地区 C3 含有中等SO2含量污染物的城市和工业环境, 含少量盐的海岸地区 C4 含有中等盐含量的工业和海岸地区 C5-I 湿度高、腐蚀较严重的工业地区 C5-M 盐含量较高的海岸及近海地区 表 4 BD 7/01—1981中规定的各环境等级下的腐蚀余量
Table 4. Corrosion allowances under each environmental grade in BD 7/01—1981
环境等级 腐蚀等级 腐蚀余量/mm C1、C2、C3 中级 1.0 C4、C5 严重 1.5 箱梁内部 0.5 表 5 德国、瑞典技术标准中建议的腐蚀余量
Table 5. Corrosion allowances recommended in Germany and Sweden techincal standards mm
环境等级 C2 C3 C4 德国标准 0.8 1.2 1.5 瑞典标准 0.6 1.2 1.7 表 6 tv的取值
Table 6. Values of tv
钢板厚度/mm EN 10029—1991中厚度允许容差分类下tv的取值/mm 类别A 类别B 类别C 类别D (5, 8] 0.05 0.15 0.45 -0.15 (8, 15] 0.10 0.25 0.60 -0.25 (15, 25] 0.15 0.45 0.75 -0.20 (25, 40] 0.25 0.75 1.05 -0.10 > 40 0.40 1.10 1.40 0.10 表 7 耐候钢最低预热温度建议值
Table 7. Recommended values of minimum preheating temperature for weathering steel
耐候钢牌号 不同接头最大板厚(mm)的最低预热温度建议值/℃ [20, 40] (40, 60] (60, 80] > 80 Q345qNH 50 80 100 Q420qNH 65 100 120 Q500qNH 80 100 120 150 表 8 日本耐候高强螺栓化学成分(F10TW级)
Table 8. Chemical compositions of weathering high-strength bolts in Japan(F10TW grade)
螺栓名称 C含量/% Si含量/% Mn含量/% P含量/% S含量/% Cr含量/% Ni含量/% Cu含量/% Mo含量/% Ti含量/% B含量/% I指数 KHB10W 0.20 0.30 0.80 0.010 0.010 0.80 0.55 0.43 0.10 ≤0.05 ≤0.003 6.97 NWB110 0.20~0.25 0.15~0.25 0.70~0.90 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 0.6~0.8 0.30~0.50 0.3~0.5 0.001~0.003 6.74 JFE 0.23 0.14 0.82 0.010 0.010 0.83 0.47 0.42 0.20 6.77 0.20~0.30 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 ≤0.03 ≤0.035 0.7~0.9 0.35~0.55 0.3~0.5 0.005~0.04 0.001~0.003 6.97 SNC22BA 0.20~0.25 0.10~0.20 0.70~0.90 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 0.7~0.9 0.30~0.60 0.3~0.6 0.003 6.55 表 9 日本耐候钢桥锈层外观评定分级
Table 9. Appearance classification of patina for weathering steel bridges in Japan
表 10 Iowa州交通厅建议的锈层量化分级标准
Table 10. Quantitative classification standard of patina recommended by Iowa Department of Transportation
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