摘要: 结合西安地层特点,依托5座在建洞桩法地铁车站实体工程,分析了不同基础型式的结构承载特性和最不利工况,选取地基承载力、水平抗剪切、抗倾覆、基底抗隆起、结构允许水平位移作为评价基础结构强度及刚度安全性的基本准则,构建了洞桩法基础结构的力学模型,推导了不同破坏模式下结构的安全系数计算公式,提出了适用于西安地区洞桩法基础结构选型理论体系中各项安全系数取值建议,给出了不同地层及埋深条件下单排长桩基础和柱下条形基础的适用范围。研究结果表明:西安地区洞桩法基础结构按地基承载力、水平抗剪切、抗倾覆、基底抗隆起及结构允许水平位移等基本准则计算时,安全系数应分别不小于1.2、1.3、1.3、1.6、1.4;洞桩法的中柱基础结构选型主要受地基竖向承载力准则的影响,采用相同柱跨型式时,柱下条形基础在砂土地层中的适用性优于其在粉质黏土-砂互层和粉质黏土地层中的适用性,而单排长桩基础可通过增加桩长等方式提高结构承载力,理论上在各类地层条件下的适用性均优于柱下条形基础;边桩基础结构需要采用复合准则综合分析其适用性,柱下条形基础结构的适用性受地层条件影响较大,在粉质黏土和粉质黏土-砂互层条件下结构抗倾覆安全性难以满足要求,而单排长桩基础在各项准则下主要受自身结构强度和刚度的影响,在各类地层中的适用埋深无明显差异;西安地区洞桩法地铁车站采用单排长桩基础型式的适用性较好,而柱下条形基础可通过扩大基础宽度等方式来满足结构安全性要求。Abstract: Based on the stratum characteristics in Xi'an, the structural bearing characteristics of different foundation types and the most unfavorable working conditions were analyzed, with the five metro stations under construction by the pile-beam-arch (PBA) method as the example. The foundation bearing capacity, horizontal shear resistance, anti-overturning capacity, anti-uplift of the foundation, and allowable horizontal displacement of the structure were selected as the basic criteria for evaluating the structural strength and stiffness safety of the foundation structure. The mechanical model of the foundation structure by PBA method was constructed, and the calculation formulas of the structural safety factors under different failure modes were deduced. Some suggestions on the safety factors values in the type selection theory system of the foundation structure by PBA method in Xi'an were put forward. The application scopes of single-row long pile foundation and strip foundation under the column in different strata and buried depths were given. Research results show that when the foundation structure by PBA method in Xi'an is calculated according to the basic criteria of foundation bearing capacity, horizontal shear resistance, anti-overturning capacity, anti-uplift of the foundation, and allowable horizontal displacement of the structure, the safety factors should be not less than 1.2, 1.3, 1.3, 1.6, and 1.4, respectively. The structure selection of the middle column foundation by PBA method is mainly affected by the vertical bearing capacity criterion of the foundation. When the same column span type is adopted, the applicability of the strip foundation under the column in the sandy soil stratum is better than that in the silty clay-sand interbedded stratum and silty clay stratum. The structural bearing capacity of the single-row long pile foundation can be improved by increasing the pile length. Theoretically, the applicability of the single-row long pile foundation under various stratum conditions is better than that of the strip foundation under the column. The composite criteria should be used to comprehensively analyze the applicability of the side pile foundation structure. The applicability of the strip foundation structure under the column is greatly affected by the stratum condition, and the anti-overturning safety of the structure is difficult to meet the requirements under the conditions of silty clay and silty clay-sand interbedded stratum. However, the single-row long pile foundation is mainly affected by its own structural strength and stiffness under various criteria, and there is no significant difference in the applicable burial depths in various strata. The single-row long pile foundation is more applicable for the metro station in Xi'an by PBA method, while the strip foundation under the column can meet the structural safety requirements by expanding the foundation width.
表 1 基本准则
Table 1. Basic criteria
准则类型 基本准则 主要内容 地层准则 地基竖向承载力 以地基与建筑条件下的地基承载力修正值判断 基底抗隆起稳定性 以基坑直剪破坏作为基底隆起分析模型,引入桩墙入土深度及土体抗剪强度进行分析 承载结构准则 水平抗剪切安全性 以结构水平向受力平衡进行判别 抗倾覆安全性 以结构内外土压力及自身抗剪作用下对危险点的弯矩作用进行分析 结构允许水平位移 以规范标准中支护水平变形确定桩墙结构水平承载力 复合准则 可结合工程设计及施工措施采用上述多种判别准则共同分析 表 2 不同柱跨设计型式的支座反力
Table 2. Reaction forces of bearings with different column span design types
结构类型 附属结构力学简化模型 支座反力求解结果 单拱无柱 X1=X2=ql 双拱单柱 $X_1=X_3=\frac{3 q l}{8}$
$X_2=\frac{5 q l}{4}$三拱双柱 $X_1=X_4=\frac{q l}{4}$
$X_2=X_3=\frac{3 q l}{4}$表 3 广济街站地层参数
Table 3. Strata parameters of Guangjijie Station
土层 重度/(kg·m-3) 摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/kPa 人工填土 18.0 12 10 新黄土 16.7 22 25 粉质黏土 19.1 23 28 中砂 20.0 32 0 表 4 广济街站基础安全性验算结果
Table 4. Safety checking results of foundation of Guangjijie Station
安全系数 边桩 中柱 单排长桩基础 柱下条形基础 单排长桩基础 柱下条形基础 K1 3.06 1.31 K2 1.48 1.29 K3 1.40 1.03 K4 1.26 K5 1.99 1.99 表 5 新植物园站地层参数
Table 5. Strata parameters of Xinzhiwuyuan Station
土层 重度/(kg·m-3) 摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/kPa 人工填土 16.0 12 5 粉质黏土 17.6 24 30 表 6 新植物园站基础安全性验算结果
Table 6. Safety checking results of foundation of Xinzhiwuyuan Station
安全系数 单排长桩基础 柱下条形基础 K1 2.14 K2 1.01 1.31 K3 0.97 1.47 K5 1.44 1.44 表 7 小白杨站地层参数
Table 7. Strata parameters of Xiaobaiyang Station
土层 重度/(kg·m-3) 摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/kPa 杂填土 16.5 10.0 5.0 素填土 15.5 12.0 10.0 黄土状土 17.6 19.5 25.0 粉质黏土 19.6 20.0 28.0 中砂 20.0 30.0 0.0 表 8 小白杨站基础安全性验算结果
Table 8. Safety checking results of foundation of Xiaobaiyang Station
安全系数 边桩 中柱 单排长桩基础 柱下条形基础 单排长桩基础 柱下条形基础 K1 2.90 0.79 K2 1.67 1.41 K3 1.58 1.09 K4 1.23 K5 2.24 2.24 表 9 基础结构安全系数取值建议
Table 9. Suggested values for safety factors of foundation structure
安全系数 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 取值范围 ≥1.2 ≥1.3 ≥1.3 ≥1.6 ≥1.4 表 10 不同基础型式适用地层埋深范围(中柱)
Table 10. Applicable burial depth ranges of different foundation types (middle columns)
m 结构型式 砂土 粉质黏土 粉质黏土-砂土 双拱单柱 单排长桩基础 由桩长决定 由桩长决定 由桩长决定 柱下条形基础 0~10.3 0~1.8 0~6.0 三拱双柱 单排长桩基础 由桩长决定 由桩长决定 由桩长决定 柱下条形基础 始终适用 0~10.1 始终适用 表 11 不同基础型式适用地层埋深范围(边桩)
Table 11. Applicable burial depth ranges of different foundation types (side piles)
m 结构型式 砂土 粉质黏土 粉质黏土-砂土 单拱无柱 单排长桩基础 0~14.4 0~13.2 0~10.7 柱下条形基础 0~14.0 0~3.8 均不适用 双拱单柱 单排长桩基础 0~14.4 0~13.2 0~10.7 柱下条形基础 0~14.0 均不适用 均不适用 三拱双柱 单排长桩基础 0~14.4 0~13.2 0~10.7 柱下条形基础 均不适用 均不适用 均不适用 -
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