摘要: 针对目前路面状况等级评价方法中存在主观影响因素过多、权重不确定性等问题, 根据影响路面状况的路面状况指数、行驶质量指标、路面强度系数、路面抗滑能力系数等主要指标, 提出了一种基于物元模型的路面状况等级综合评价方法。以路面状况等级、评价指标及其特征值构造物元模型, 并根据计算出的综合关联度实现对各路面状况等级的综合评判。实例表明该模型能准确地反映路面状况, 是可行的, 有一定的推广应用价值。Abstract: There are more subjective factors and their weights can not been accurately decided in current evaluation model for pavement condition. A new evaluation system based on matter-elements-analysis was developed. In this system, the evaluation indices, such as pavement condition, pavement strength, anti-slippery, were constructed, and their characteristic values were calculated to reveal their synthetic relation degrees. According to those values and degrees, the pavement condition can be evaluated accurately. Applied results show that this method is scientific and reliable.
Key words:
- road engineering /
- pavement /
- grade /
- matter elements model /
- relational degree /
- weight
表 1 路面状况指标原始数据
Table 1. Original data of pavement condition indices
路段 长度/m PCI PBI SFC 1 320 21.35 3.2 0.493 2 470 89.56 3.2 0.539 3 1 340 90.20 3.8 0.605 4 1 125 99.85 1.7 0.612 5 650 98.55 1.2 0.593 表 2 路况等级评价分级指标
Table 2. Indices of pavement grade evaluation
指标 N1 (优) N2 (良) N3 (中) N4 (差) SFC 85~100 70~85 55~70 0~55 σ 0~2.0 2.0~3.5 3.5~4.5 4.5~10.0 F > 0.5 0.4~0.5 0.3~0.4 0~0.3 表 3 路面状况综合评判结果
Table 3. Synthetic evaluation results of pavement condition
N1 (优) N2 (良) N3 (中) N4 (差) j* 等级j0 文献[1] 1 0.135 7 0.034 3 0 1.000 0 3.593 差 差 2 1 0.823 8 0.781 4 0 1.916 优 优 3 1 0.589 5 0.533 8 0 1.780 优 优 4 1 0.775 9 0.786 9 0 1.917 优 优 5 1 0.809 9 0.814 7 0 1.929 优 优 -
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