摘要: 分析了ECE制动法规对多轴汽车制动力分配的要求, 指出目前多轴汽车制动性能分析方法的不足, 提出了基于ECE制动法规的利用附着系数图示法。在同一坐标系中画出汽车各轴的利用附着系数曲线和ECE制动法规边界曲线, 通过分析各轴利用附着系数之间的位置关系及其与边界曲线之间的关系来研究汽车的制动性能。考虑到多轴汽车制动时轴荷转移较大的实际工况, 在计算车轮地面法向反力时, 采用簧上动载荷和簧下载荷分开计算模型。分析结果表明: 当利用附着系数为0.20~0.80时, 汽车具有较高的附着利用率; 当制动强度为0.15~0.30时, 车轮抱死顺序为前、中、后, 符合车轮抱死顺序要求, 能够保证汽车制动时的方向稳定性。可见, 该分析方法简单、实用。Abstract: According to ECE brabing regulation, the requirements of braking force distribution of multi-axle automobile were analyzed, the defects of analysis methods on the braking performance of multi-axle automobile were pointed out, and a method named adhesion utilization coefficient diagram was proposed. The adhesion utilization curves of all axles and the boundary curves requested by ECE braking regulation were painted in the same coordinate system, the relationships among the adhesion utilization coefficients and the boundary curves, and the braking performance of automobile were studied. Because the transfer of multi-axle automobile' vertical axle loads was larger when braking, when calculating the normal reaction forces from ground to wheels, a model was adopted, in which the loads on and below suspension were calculated separately. An example was cited to illustrate the application of the analysis method. The result indicates that when adhesion utilization coefficient is from 0.20 to 0.80, automobile has a high adhesion utilization efficiency. When braking strength is from 0.15 to 0.30, wheel lock sequence is front, middle and rear, which accords with wheel lock requirements, and the directional stability of automobile is guaranteed when braking. Obviously, the method is simple, practical and beneficial.
表 1 整车参数
Table 1. Vehicle parameters
参数 空载 满载 汽车总质量/kg 9 600 14 600 悬挂质心离前轴距离/mm 1 807 2 601 悬挂质心高度/mm 1 163 1 353 非悬挂质量/kg 前轴为920, 中轴为900, 后轴为900 制动力分配系数 β1为0.546, β2为0.273, β3为0.181 -
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