WEI Qing-chao, XIA Jing-hui, ZANG Chuan-zhen, HAO Min, LIANG Qing-huai. Influence of air gap on dynamic response of LIM metro system[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 10-18.
Citation: WEI Qing-chao, XIA Jing-hui, ZANG Chuan-zhen, HAO Min, LIANG Qing-huai. Influence of air gap on dynamic response of LIM metro system[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 10-18.

Influence of air gap on dynamic response of LIM metro system

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  • Author Bio:

    WEIQing-chao(1957-), male, professor, PhD, qcwei@bjtu.edu.cn

  • Received Date: 2017-07-11
  • Publish Date: 2017-12-25
  • Based on the theory of probability statistics and frequency domain analysis, the measured data of dynamic air gap between linear induction motor (LIM) and reaction plate (RP) during the train's running on Guangzhou Metro Line 4 were analyzed.Based on the vehicle-track vertical and lateral coupling dynamics model, the dynamic effect of vertical electromagnetic force influenced by the air gap on the vehicle and the track structure was studied and compared with the effect of track random irregularities on the dynamics properties of vehicle-track system.Research result shows that 92.2% of air gaps are within the standard range of 9-12 mm.The air gap obeys the normal distribution, the mean is 10.5 mm, and the standard deviation is 1 mm.The heightdifference between the upper surface of RP and the top of track is the determinant factor of peak air gap, so the most unfavorable position of air gap on the line can be determined by static air gap measurement.The frequency domain component of air gap is dominated by the spatial frequencies less than 0.1 m-1, and the frequency peak of 0.2 m-1 is found, which proves that a periodic component of about 5 mis in the air gap.The vertical electromagnetic force has little effect on the acceleration of vehicle.The vertical electromagnetic force can increase the displacement of track structure.When the track irregularity exists at the same time, the track displacement can reach up to 0.8 mm, and the maximum displacement of track slab can reach 1.0 mm.The track irregularity is the main cause of track structure's continuous vibration. The vertical electromagnetic force only results in larger accelerations at the moment beginning to act on the track structure. The maximum acceleration of track structure caused by the vertical electromagnetic force is greater than the maximum acceleration caused by the track irregularity.The coupling influence of track irregularity and vertical electromagnetic force on the track structure acceleration is far greater than single factor influence, the track acceleration can reach2 200 m·s-2, and the track slab acceleration can reach 1 500 m·s-2.The maximum effect of vertical electromagnetic force on the wheel/rail vertical force is less than 9 kN.Therefore, the dynamic and static detection methods can be used to measure the air gap.First, the general location of RP's over limit point is measured by the dynamic detection device on the train, then the artificial precision measurement is carried out.After maintenance, the dynamic detection is used again for air gap's qualification test.The method can quickly and accurately maintain the whole line's RP and reduce the influence of air gap on the track structure's vertical vibration.


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